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  1. kuchikid

    Tama Drink?

    According to the wiki, it "Makes a Tamagotchi 50% less likely to become sick; lasts until the next growth stage."
  2. kuchikid

    Tamagotchi v4 Growth Chart

    I know that this thread is incredibly old and I'm sorry to raise the dead, but this is (and likely always will be) the top result on this topic, so it's pretty important for publicity to have this here. A well-known Tamagotchi debugger on Tumblr named Curlour may have demystified a lot of the...
  3. kuchikid

    Hi, I'm Not Actually New

    Sent you a PM.
  4. kuchikid

    Hi, I'm Not Actually New

    @Knighttchi's Ballad I don't like that they don't show the baby's gender, either, but fortunately that's only an issue with the first generation. Same with the pencil thing. It was surprising to me, because I bought a Tamagotchi as a gift for a friend (the translucent one) that came with a code...
  5. kuchikid

    Hi, I'm Not Actually New

    I do remember! I have a tendency to phase in and out of Tamagotchi obsession. How do you like the rerelease so far?
  6. kuchikid

    Hi, I'm Not Actually New

    Probably since 2004. I think that's when I got my first Tamagotchi V1.
  7. kuchikid

    Hi, I'm Not Actually New

    I had an account called kuchikid that I made like 15 years ago, but when I recently logged in, it said my account was locked and to check my emails to have it reinstated. Yeah... I haven't used that account in so long that Microsoft deleted it. So here I am. So hi (again). Anyhow, here's my...
  8. kuchikid

    Kuchikid's (Sporadic) Log

    I just wanted to post that I lost access to the kuchikid account because it was made using an email address I had as a kid. Like... 15 years ago. Even Outlook doesn't remember the account existing. So anyhow, this is my new account. As a strong piece of evidence: 1. Why would I lie about this...
  9. kuchikid

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. in 2020?

    Has anyone managed to get the 2012/2013 app "Tamagotchi L.I.F.E." to run on their android device recently? I tried downloading the APK, but it crashes as soon as I open it. :(
  10. kuchikid

    Tamagotchi On Nightmares?

    My Tamagotchi woke up late at night tonight and made a noise. I went to check on him and suddenly he was running down a street at night and there were ghost hands chasing him. Eventually, he came across a dead end and started crying. He then woke up. Why the heck would Bandai include...
  11. kuchikid

    List of changes between ON and Meets

    Well, yeah. That's exactly what I said I'd expected. Even just giving it over to a native English speaker with a firm grasp of English would have been worth the investment. For example, I can translate, roughly, from English to French, but I would certainly never release something I...
  12. kuchikid

    List of changes between ON and Meets

    He~ey! I was the guy that made the "leave/drop off" mistake!  :P Also, there are tons of misspellings and cases of poor grammar, although I can't remember any specifically off the top of my head. I feel like they didn't get a native English speaker to approve these before they were released.
  13. kuchikid

    Anyone with a v4 and an Entama?

    One thing you should know is that Entamas/Uratamas age VERY slowly. Like, more than a week to become an adult.
  14. kuchikid

    What features would you like to see on the Tamagotchi ON and Meets app?

    A place where you can visit your Tamagotchi's parents, grandparents, and twin siblings. A way to actually register your Tamagotchi species (like it implies when you hit B on the family tree screen), so other people can view them. Maybe add Mrs. Busybody's matchmaking service. So, I could make a...
  15. kuchikid

    The Tamagotchi ON App is on the App Store!

    I tried it. It's okay. Kinda laggy.
  16. kuchikid

    The Tamagotchi ON App is on the App Store!

    I'm disappointed that it isn't available on android.
  17. kuchikid

    Bandai's Response to a Message I sent regarding The ON and Meets Connecting and Possible Retained Bugs

    I think you misunderstood what I meant. I've been to the Tama Hotel as a child, teen, and adult. There's just no option to leave my Tamagotchi there. EDIT: Never mind. The option is, in fact, there. The tranlation was just awful. They used the word "Leave," not "Drop Off" or "Rent Room." I had...
  18. kuchikid

    Bandai's Response to a Message I sent regarding The ON and Meets Connecting and Possible Retained Bugs

    I don't really know about the Meets glitches, but I own an On and I noticed something... I've seen a lot of people online saying you can leave your Tamagotchi at the hotel in the Meets for an hourly fee. Correct me if I'm wrong here. Anyhow. this doesn't seem possible on my Tamagotchi On (no...
  19. kuchikid

    The Cloning (theory testing)

    What is this theory? I think it's been removed.
  20. kuchikid

    Tamagotchi ON Very Very Quiet

    Thanks for letting me know! I didn't want to get too attached if my device was defective. Canada got them early, and I think my EB Games was actually one of the first to get inventory... Anyhow, here she is:  