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  1. Jaedynn

    Jaedynn's TamaLog

    Soooo many things to write about today, I may have to separate this into two posts! When I woke up this morning, Rosie had already evolved into an adult. More about that in a second. I didn't manage to take any fun pictures of Rosie as Neotchi. However, I did find a picture I took yesterday...
  2. Jaedynn

    Jaedynn's TamaLog

    Sorry I didn't update yesterday, it was a hectic day full of classes and shenanigans afterward. But I did mange to snap a few pictures of Rosie! My TF is supposed to arrive in the mail tomorrow, so soon she'll have a friend to play with! I'm really excited to test out the bump visits. Also, I...
  3. Jaedynn

    Jaedynn's TamaLog

    Hi, lovelies! Let me start off by saying that I haven't had a Tamagotchi since I was in Kindergarten. I'm in my super senior year of college now. IT'S BEEN THAT LONG! :o My tamas always turned into angels because of neglect while I was in school back then. I got so frustrated that I didn't...