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  1. Bara_no_Uta

    Bara_no_Uta's Tama Log

    Whoops, looks like I've been MIA here for a few days... @_@ Just means some catching up to do, yeah? :D Everyone's grown up a bit more. Claire became a Ponytchi. Tomorrow she should be old enough for the matchmaker to come, for which I'm excited, but that's dependent upon it not caring that...
  2. Bara_no_Uta

    V3 & V4 -- what time do they age?

    Hey all, thank you for your answers and advice, but I think I may have been unclear in my question -- I'm sorry about that! Firstly, the issue isn't with evolution; that's still happening in the correct timeframe (1 hour, 24 hours, 48 hours). The problem is solely with the "years" counter. As...
  3. Bara_no_Uta

    V3 & V4 -- what time do they age?

    So, I've recently started playing with a couple of my old Tamas again. The problem I'm currently having is that they aren't aging. One (my V3) I hatched on Monday morning, and it's at 3 years; the other (my V4) I hatched Sunday evening, and it's also at 3 years. (I'm writing this on a Thursday...
  4. Bara_no_Uta

    Bara_no_Uta's Tama Log

    Well, it turns out I wasn't quite right about Rosalia and Charmander being Ichigotchi -- they were Mizutamatchi. I actually realized this because guess who did turn into an Ichigotchi? Claire did~! She's adorable, and I can't wait to see what adult she'll become. I think she grows up tomorrow...
  5. Bara_no_Uta

    Bara_no_Uta's Tama Log

    So, I got some new batteries as planned! I actually have a picture of my three tama together, but I'll have to upload that later today. I hatched a V4, who I named Clare (but which is short for Claire, which is what I'll call her here, lol) last night. I sort of forgot how to really take care...
  6. Bara_no_Uta

    Bara_no_Uta's Tama Log

    I did some digging today to see if I could find my old Tamas. I still can't find the one I mentioned before -- which I figured out was a V7 -- but I think I found all my others! I'm thinking of getting batteries for one V3 and one V4 tomorrow, depending how much they cost. What I found was two...
  7. Bara_no_Uta

    Bara_no_Uta's Tama Log

    I just hatched a new Tama yesterday. I haven't had a Tamagotchi in ages (like since my V3s ran out of batteries, although I seem to remember having another one... can't remember what it was, other than big and required attachments to play different games or something like that?), but I was out...