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  1. Tamagotchi Friends

    Do TMGC Friends screens really scratch in box?

    Oh my. Guys, THANKS for telling me about the shiny shell thing coz I was gonna get a purple one. I'm going to tell my friends and brother so they don't get a bad one. Ill get a leopard one. Thank you!!
  2. Tamagotchi Friends

    Yay, Anna is here <3

    It was =^.^=. :)
  3. Tamagotchi Friends

    Tamagotchi Friends' Tamagotchi Friends (:D)

    Hey! I'd love to be able to make a big, big chapter right here and right now, but I can't. I don't even have my Tamagotchi Friends yet, but I hope to get it Saturday. You all will have to wait. ;p Bye now ❤
  4. Tamagotchi Friends

    How did you meet your significant other?

    We split up, but we met in TamaTalk, how romantic :o )
  5. Tamagotchi Friends

    What Is Your Religion?

    Catholic. People usually assume that I'm homophobic (??) if I say that but I'm not at all.
  6. Tamagotchi Friends

    What is your sexuality?

    Hmm. I mostly like boys. Girls too, but not as much.
  7. Tamagotchi Friends

    Do TMGC Friends screens really scratch in box?

    I've heard of it happening on Instagram and I'm supposed to be getting one soon. I'm fussy about scratches and if it has one I get very displeased. Is it true? PS. Sorry if large writing, my phone seems to love doing that. xo
  8. Tamagotchi Friends

    Yay, Anna is here <3

    Oops. Sorry if font is big, it happens on phone
  9. Tamagotchi Friends

    Yay, Anna is here <3

    Okiedoke, I can't post on my last account because of some error. Since I LOVE Tamagotchi again, I've made a new account! Hello again! :) Oops. Sorry if font is big, it happens on phone