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  1. UraLibitchi

    UraLibitchi Log!

    I came back from school today and guess what? MY MOHITAMATCHI EVOLVED INTO YOUNG KUTCHIPATCHI!!! photo (2).JPG photo (3).JPG Thwat's write!! Hello Dean! Wi wen too pwreskool towday! Did you enjoy Mr.Turtle's lesson? Wes. Say goodbye Dean. Bwye!
  2. UraLibitchi

    UraLibitchi Log!

    Hello and welcome to my log! Hope you all enjoy reading about what happens on my Tama. Tamagotchi's currently running : Ver4.5 I will try to upload pictures ASAP. My Mohitamatchi has full hearts of happiness at the moment,but isn't doing anything... When (Dean is his name) he goes to...