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  1. pashmena

    my tamas

    sorry i spent so long away from my blog anyway guess what the strange thing is that now i have a ringotchi again on music star and now i have an ichigotchi on familitchi at the same time they seem to be on the same evolving rate unlike the last time man did my familitchi lag behind so yeah...
  2. pashmena

    my tamas

    anyway yesterday i tried getting married my larry to my pashmena cause they had a crush on each other now and pashmena said NO I MEAN SHE REALLY LIKED THE GUY but anyway i got my kuromametchi married to a watatchi oh man were they in love and then they evolved kuromametchi evolved into...
  3. pashmena

    my tamas

    okay so my tamagotchis evolved matt is a hatugatchi sakura is a lovezukintchi larry is a mukugetchi and that means today is the day where pashmena gets married to matt but first let's say goodbye to sakura and larry in fact i brought them here to say good byeuna larry: i'm sorry i will be...
  4. pashmena

    my tamas

    yo you know how i forgot to post about sakura and larry well they're here now and to make it fair i've decided to let them only them come on today and now i owe them a thorough apology kizunatchi: hey i'm sorry about yesterday's episode sakura: but i wanna i wanna i wanna larry: you know you...
  5. pashmena

    my tamas

    so guess what pashmena my ringotchi evolved into a sebiretchi :D welcome back pashmena: i got fat kizunatchi: no it's good to gain weight at your age pashmena: really? kizunatchi: well actually i'm not sure matt: she looks so unfamiliar kizunatchi: that's because she evolved matt: great...
  6. pashmena

    my tamas

    oh my tamagotchis are on a roll because the other three just evolved too yay :D matt is a kororotchi sakura is a shelltchi and larry is a mamekatchi let's invite our new tamas here sakura: i look so much like a pretty shell from the beach matt: i look like a little acorn from the forest...
  7. pashmena

    my tamas

    ha ha i just got bored see ya tomorrow
  8. pashmena

    my tamas

  9. pashmena

    my tamas

    P.S. everything i write will be on the same page as a reply my pashmena just evolved into a ringotchi :D that's it i know it's a really short post but yeah maybe i can post tomorrow yeah tomorrow maybe unless my familitchi tamagotchis evolve
  10. pashmena

    my tamas

    so bored but anyway pashmena feels better so yeah i am so happy :D yay anyway here we go kizunatchi: wow you guys aren't even evolved yet sakura: i wanna i wanna i wanna kizunatchi: i can't control that you evolve on your own terms sakura: stupid me hurry up i wanna i wanna i wanna...
  11. pashmena

    my tamas

    I just literally got this membership. So, cool. Yeah. And you know that I'm here for posting my tamas. Anyway, I have a few people(tamas) I want you to meet first and most importantly on here I am a kizunatchi. If, you don't know what that is look it up on google and select images. Or just look...