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  1. ZuZu

    TC House 2!

    Cortana (ZuZu's running v4, a Violetchi): ZuZu watr you doing don't you dare post this, I will cut-
  2. ZuZu

    TC House 2!

    ZuZu wonders when the hell this was started and why she was not invited (>:} hahahaa spammmmm) ZuZu quizzlically watches Dazzmina losing control while sipping tea. She thinks to herself "we have her in our grasp....." (makes the evil expression in her avvie)
  3. ZuZu

    you know you're obsessed when...

    Is this topic still alive? I am impressed~! XD well anyways "when you take a long hiatus from tamagotchis, and when you pick them up again, you feel pure joy in your chest......" experienced this yesterday ^u^
  4. ZuZu

    Tamagotchi iD L

    yes, just around that amount of time, just be patient, the iDL will come in, it will, just have a little bit of patience, there's no way to tell exactly when it will. ( I know what you are going through though, with my idl I was staring out the window every day after ordering it, waiting for it...
  5. ZuZu

    My Tamagotchi Story: Addressed to The Lovely People here at Tama Talk

    that is really a terrible story, I feel for you. but now is now, and I happily welcome you to Tama Talk ^u^
  6. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    AUGH WHY. I don't have much time to log, I hadtons of work to do today, but here are stats and a few links to cool things. I've started this random thing where I'm drawing each of the tamagotchis versions as humanoids, so yeh. I'm doing it out of order asdfgklfjlgf...
  7. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    Well we're back on the air, and guess what? SUMMER ASDFGJKLZXCVBNM new beginings call for... well, new beginings right? so here's my v4... Hello. Humans. I am. Cor-Tana. I named her Cortana, because my brother asked me to. and now... well, she thinks she's a robot .__. I. Am. an AI...
  8. ZuZu

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    *gasps* *Starts hyperventilating* OH MY- OH MY- OH MY GODS OH MY- *shot by all the sane TamaTalkers* *still "Oh my-"ing * SO HAPPY OH MY FREAKING GODS GUYS THIS IS SO AMAZING I'M LITERALLY CRYING. *goes off to cry in a corner for joy* *edit* @ Dazz's post: I agree that it's a little fishy...
  9. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    going to be gone this weekend and the next week (finals) HOWEVER. I will be on summer vacation after this next week which means we'll be back on the air soon! see you in a week.
  10. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    OH ANOTHER VOTE THANK YOU ;u; *cries a little* .... *looking very sad* T-T ......... what's wrong Aria? you should be happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ .....AUGH YOU NEVER UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. I'M GOING TO GO EAT SOME TACO-PIES NOW! *stomps off* taco.... pies...
  11. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    lol two people friended me here in like, the last week what is this why uh okay. *shot for rambling* V6 Music Star Name: Aria Gender: girl Species: Chamametchi Age: Zero Stage:teen Weight: 20 lbs(like a boss) Instrument: Accordion Style:Latin (still?) Tone: 346 Rhythm: 303...
  12. ZuZu

    The Awesome Tamachat log!

    All right wellllll *feels akward and sidles into the log* Savy kept bothering me about logging. So here I am wee~ right after my usual loggy (the Zoo.) I've been having a bad month or so for tamas but I'm back and stuff. No more iDL (they stress me out way too much, delicacy, size, etc.) So...
  13. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

  14. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    V6 Music Star Name: Aria Gender: girl Species: Hitode-tchi Age: Zero (?) Stage:toddler Weight: 10 lbs Instrument: Accordian(XD?) Style:Latin Tone: 159 Rhythm: 168 Original:173 Leettttts get it started, in heeereeeeee~ An' the bass keeps runnin' runnin' an' runnin' runnin' An'...
  15. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    hayyyyyy. so I've been having LIFE happening to me lately. (much of this Life-stuff involves an extremely competitive skill-level-asian high school) but we'll be back up in a week or so, the Log will start with Aria the MS and we'll see where it goes from there. -see ya in a few~
  16. ZuZu

    The Awesome Tamachat log!

    Hello world well if anyone reading this used to read my log, I'm not going back there until summer, so... sorry, deal. XDD Tamagotchi: Ver/Type: Idl/blue Name:Ivan(Hetalia fans guess who) Gender:Boy Gen: I restarted T___T Age:Zero Character: Nittobotchi ^u^ Snuggle level: 100% (what is...
  17. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    ;A;................... Oh hush now ZuZu, you can still try to make everything all better. <_< ... well if you won't then I am fully capable of introducing myself, hello citizens, I am a fruit basket, an iDL, and I like to eat food. I am a boy, and I am the first generation because of...
  18. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    v4 Name: Neville Gender: Male Species: Gozarutchi Age: 8 Stage:Adult Weight: 99lbs <_< >_> I can't play any of the games very well... Training: full Smart: 31 Magic eue: 17 Flower power: 135 Today, I have so much TIME to log But you're just going to half-a** it...
  19. ZuZu

    ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo

    Nur hur, better have a good explanation for this ZuZu. Exams. that's all. Uhuuhhhhhh... Oh it's a legitamate excuse. I saw her studying for weeks. OnO don't blame meh. And lucky for you, since I was helping you, you PASSED the tests yes, thank you magick ninja star! Welcome. I've been...
  20. ZuZu

    It's Real For Us...

    Yeah, Delilah.... *laughs* she was a funny one. You were mean to her in the first place *COUGH* Chamametchi's are flamable *COUGH* OnO but they are- END OF CONVERSTAION OH MY GOSHNESS SHUT UP. heyall, what's- oh, so you're done abandoning this thing? <_< mebbe. I'm getting married...