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  1. S


    im srry everyone but my acount got hacked and im making a new one..... im resseting my tama too..........bye :huh:
  2. S

    Weird V2...

    god that is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1it happened to me with v3 and i replaced the battery and it worked???
  3. S

    Tamagotchi V.6 growth... uh... problem?

    you could unscrew the back unscrew the screws inthe corner than use a pen to push a little button thats says debug and you can choose the character you want :P
  4. S


    TODAY MY TAMA DIDNT EVOLVE.. STILL kIKITCHII thats cause he got paused all night... "yea...thanx alot........(her tama username is azira)" oh no u didnt!!!! any ways he's got a secere admirer and the band genre is still rocknroll (fireball a rockin yayaya!!!!)Toby is happy with that now there...
  5. S


    :P OKKKK
  6. S


    hI!!! my tama v6 is call Alex i got it ages ago but i kept resseettiinngg it..... ;) ok meet Alex hey hows it going.Im a KiKitchi [sorryabout not startind the log earliaer im in a Band called Gomez and with toby (Hinotamatchi) and louis(Nonopotchtchi)We keep changin genre but i want to keep...