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  1. B

    P2 tamagotchi where to buy?

    okay thanks ill try that then
  2. B

    P2 tamagotchi where to buy?

    Where can i buy an original tamagotchi that is a definite version 2 that is in the box that is any color as long as it's not translucent?
  3. B

    starting a collection help please

    okay i found out the original tamagotchi i got from ebay is P1. i discovered the back of the box has a little picture of each character you can get so thats how you can tell them apart. the one i ordered showed a mametchi which is P1. I decided not to start too huge of a collection but does...
  4. B

    starting a collection help please

    I'm deciding to start a tamagotchi original collection from 1997 united states versions. i used to have a orange/yellow japanese one but it broke. A blue/white U.S. version is on the way in the mail and i have a few questions. is the original 1997 version a P1 tamagotchi or a P2 tamagotchi? what...