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  1. A

    My New V5 Tama!

    Heyy!! Tony, Angela & Mike are doing fine. Still absolutely NO progress :angry: But what can I do, they're my children and I love them no matter what! Aww.. they're hoppin about their lil screen. Hoppity hoppity hop! I dont know why, but I miss Eric, Bella & Corbin. Even...
  2. A

    My New V5 Tama!

    Back Again!! My Tama's have evolved!! I have to change there names now they look nothing like Eric, Bella & Corbin now :( . Anyway still :D !!! Now their stats are.. Hungry : ***** Happy : ***** Bonded : 20% The 'Angel' Family 1st Generation 22700 Gotchi points (You see I know...
  3. A

    My New V5 Tama!

    Hello hello there.. School's over! B) Wa-hey! :P Bored.. Bella, Eric & Corbin got to see my school! I found out that they go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 7am! They were a bit worried about all the big people. (Aw..) I had to leave them in my pocket during class. I think they...
  4. A

    My New V5 Tama!

    :P Hello there! Eric, Bella & Corbin have just fallen asleep ;) . (Aww..) So, that means that their bedtime is 9.00pm apparently. And there was no struggle to get them in bed this time :D . Their Stats Now: The 'Angel' Family 1st Generation 20% Bonded Money: 16470 Son : Eric...
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    My New V5 Tama!

    Heyy, I never stop writing! :mimitchi: I'm bored! :mellow: I've decided to name them after all! I'm gonna think of some cute baby names. Mattarichi : Ryan ( I can't think of anything else and he looks like a 'Ryan') (Ew, he just pooped. Maybe he doesnt like the name after all.)...
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    My New V5 Tama!

    Hello, Yes I'm back again! I just wanted to do a really quick update cos I was bored! Ok, how are my tama's ? Well havent really changed that much, i have more money now! Thanks 2 binary! i added 4000 (I dunno how 2 do the money thing as i said before :mellow: ) Well, I guess thats it...
  7. A

    My New V5 Tama!

    Hey. This is my first time using my TamaTalk account! I found it because I just got a new V5 Tamagotchi! Love it! This site is so cool. Anyway .. I was searching other peoples logs and I thought 'Hmm.. I think I should make one!' I'm probably boring you out aren't I? Well then. Moving onto...