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  1. S

    Mimitchi Pixel art

    Sorry, but I wasn't sure where to post this. I'm trying to make a cross-stitch pattern of mimitchi but I can't find a reference picture. I don't want it to be a straight on view of her, but rather, a picture of her eating with her mouth open and her ears curved back. My camera can't focus in on...
  2. S

    Snack confusion

    I fed my 4.5 Ura Violetchi a pineapple and she looked very confused after eating it. I've seen pets eat their favorite food items before and this wasn't the same. Her eyes got all round and her head tilted. Why would a snack confuse her?
  3. S

    Nazotchi Friend (V4 and V4.5)

    Oh, ok, this happened to me, too and it was pretty confusing. When my v4 was a baby and it visited my 4.5 Samuraitchi they were fine, but now that my v4 is an adult Memetchi, when I look on her friend list the Samuraitchi even shows up as the mailman! It's pretty crazy. :D
  4. S

    I keep getting the same character

    I've had four tamas on my 4.5 and so far of the three boys they have all been hitodetchis and then crackertchis. I've gotten different skill points with them all in order to have them become different adults, but it's still quite frustrating. I even tried raising this last one differently in...
  5. S

    Skill points on 4.5

    I am trying to figure out how to get more humor or gorgeousness points. My hitodetchi has a lot of passion points right now, but I'm trying to avoid those because I don't want him to end up as the same species his dad was (Matsurichi). Are the different points dependent on games, food, or...
  6. S

    Game strategies

    Do different games give different skill points in 4.5?
  7. S

    Feeding your tamagotchi food and skill points

    Is there a similar chart for v4.5?