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  1. E


    Tamagotchi's Name: Suki Tamagotchi's Age: 0... Date of Birth: 20/feb/08 Date of Passing: 26/feb/08 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: Oh my god. She died like, a couple of days ago. She was only a baby. :P :) I got her for my B'day. It was very depressing............ love, da wood
  2. E

    My Life with India

    :) back again:wub: hiyas! well I am still waiting for India to move on and go to the adult stage in life. I really want her to be a mametchi! she would be really cute and the name would really suit her! :P :lol:
  3. E

    My Life with India

    :P Hiyas! :angry: Well, lets start from the beginning. I had just bought a v4 off ebay for pretty cheap. So, I wasn't sure what to expect <_< but it came out pretty good. After reading the instructions several times, I pulled out the tab, and watched my Tamagotchi wibble and wobble...