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  1. T

    Another V5 Cheat

    the code next to ur middle characterS name is the one that u use n after ur character evolves again the name changes n u have 2 find that tamas name n code!!!! if the codes dont work read the directions slowly & carefully & drill the insructions in ur head!!!!!!!!.....
  2. T

    When I Ignore My Tama For A Little...

    Everytime I Go On And Do Something Else For 2 Minutes Then Check My TamaGotchi There Is This HUGE :huh: Thing Talking To My Main Character... Whats Up With That???
  3. T

    Another V5 Cheat

    Ohhhhh nvrmd it works awesome thanks!! ur a really hard worker!!
  4. T

    Another V5 Cheat

    :huh: :huh: I dont get it.... I have 3 characters... How do i know witch one to put in? i put in sakura motchi put it didnt work. Im trying the others right now!