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  1. K

    Kiji's V5 Diary

    Dear Diary, The bonding with the kids went up to 40%, at least the result is getting a bit better. I went to TamaTown for a visit, it's been a long time since I last visited there. The kids went to see thier grandparents. Ichigotchi went a little overboard with the chocolates they gave her...
  2. K

    Kiji's V5 Diary

    ~~Update~~ My Tamagotchis evolved! Mattaritchi became a Bakutchi, Tororotchi became a Ichigotchi and Mousetchi became a Korokotchi! Yay, they're teenagers now! :mametchi: So far I'm up to 20% Bonding... What a poor result... :o At least they're full and happy now. Bakutchi: At least my...
  3. K

    The Ancient Book of the Tamas

    The Ancient Book of the Tamas, part 1 "Run Jisa!" Cried Kio, both Jisa and Kio were searching for the Ancient Book of the Tamas in the tomb of the Emperor of Tama Egypt; they both accidentally ran into a trap and now poisonous scorpions that guard the tomb were racing after them. They panted...
  4. K

    Kiji's V5 Diary

    Hello! I hope everyone likes my first Tamagotchi Log here at Tama Talk! ^_^ Dear Diary, I'm now at Gen. 3, wow time flies fast when you're having fun. When my friend was leaving for Korea for nearly the whole summer, I wanted to remember her by changing the family name from 'Candy' to my...
  5. K

    Hello TamaTalk Members!

    Hi TamaTalk members! I'm kiji908, I love to draw Tamagotchis. I also came here several times as a guest. So I decided to register here and become a member. I love the site, it's very organized and fun. I hope I have lots of fun here as everyone else has. B) I have two Tamagotchis, a Cotton...