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  1. S

    Schmiddy's Tama Log

    Well, hello.   Nothing really interesting happened today. Except that I got the bonds up to 30%, as in the WaMu commercials: Woo Hoo!   I got some pictures of them today and yesterday, there very cute.   Current Stats: Hungry: ***** Happy: ***** Bonds: 30% Family Type: Blended Family...
  2. S

    Schmiddy's Tama Log

    Hello! I'm quite new here, but since I need a place to record all of my Tamagotchi happenings, I figured that I'd start a log. Well as you can see by the "Topic Description", I have a (currently running) a very new V5, V4.5 and a CYOI Entama. The V5's family name is BUNNY, in honor of...