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  1. T

    ***Tama-Girl-82's BESTEST EVER LOG!***

    So sorry again i have to study for 3 BIG tests!!! :P :P :P
  2. T

    ***Tama-Girl-82's BESTEST EVER LOG!***

    Sorry lots of homework!!!! and sorry Tamas i cant play today! oh btw (by the way) this is what my tama v4 looks like :angry:
  3. T

    ***Tama-Girl-82's BESTEST EVER LOG!***

    My Tama's are going CrAzY to talk on here ok i guess i'll let *Cooky Family interrups* Cool this is what tamatalks like wooo. so cool Hey don't interrup me i train you!!! (i changed my V5 into blue)*Sam closes door to fridge* Theirs nothing to eaT!!!! Can i have some beer???NO!! not till you...
  4. T

    ***Tama-Girl-82's BESTEST EVER LOG!***

    Hi again I'm going to put my tama's stats   V5 Family Name:Cooky Hungry:***** Happy:***** Bonds:0% Family type:Bleanded Gen:1 GP:210$ Family:1 Daughter 2 sons Childen   V4 Nickname:Angel Name:Sam Gender:Girl Adult Hungry:***** Happy:***** Training:3 Intelagensts:110 Socail...
  5. T

    ***Tama-Girl-82's BESTEST EVER LOG!***

    Hi i just got a V5!!! so i think its i good idea to make myself a log My v5 (3 of them not thing but pets) are going to talk in **Drumroll**Yellow My v4 is going to talk in .....GREEN! And last but not least my v3 is going to talk in Orange!!!     More later... my tamas are hyper lol...
  6. T

    How long?

    Someone? :)
  7. T

    How long?

    How long can i v4 tamagotchi go without care? I want to no this because i'm going to a family dance today and i will probly be gone for 2 hours :D B) :D
  8. T

    why can't i go to japan with the tiket i brougt on

    oh thank you for answering, yeah mine is a teen so i guess i have to wait :lol:
  9. T

    why can't i go to japan with the tiket i brougt on

    i got a tiket from the shop and it wont take my tama on the airplane?!? ^_^ ;) :ichigotchi:
  10. T

    Teen to Adult?

    REALLY!!! i cant wait !!!! when can it mate?
  11. T

    Teen to Adult?

    2 yrs
  12. T

    Teen to Adult?

    When will my teenager turn into an adult???? :furawatchi: btw i'm new not really but i have not been on for a while like 2 years and i forgot my old nickname LOL!!! :furawatchi: and i'm talking about v4 (i have a v3 and v4 tee hee)