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  1. M

    Turtle Mutsu or Dolphin Mutsu?

    Could u tell me if they are still available to buy, if yes where can i find them! Tks.
  2. M

    Could u please help me?

    "I suggest you check the date programmed on your tama as I'm not 100% sure it's supposed to show up this early." Well...i didn't know that! Sorry to ask, but where can i check that date? When i bougth it and conected it, the only date i wrote was my birthday...
  3. M

    Could u please help me?

    Hi everybody! I'm new here, and it´s my first tamagotchi, that´s why i already have a question for u all. I have an adult tama, pyontitchi, he is 3 years old and i've noticed that a character very similar to a christmas tree with eyes and a star above its head, was standing by my tama and then...