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  1. T


    Hey, I've seen the Uratama before. I'm just wondering... since the Tamagotchi Connection V4.5 is not available here in the Philippines yet, is the UraTama the V4.5 in Japanese? Cuz that, we have here. And if so, is the Language of a UraTama unit english or not? Thanks! If it's English, I'm...
  2. T

    I have a few questions

    Hey'all! Haha! I've been wondering... and guess what? These are what I'm wondering about... 1.) Can 2 Tamas that are friends have a baby? And How? 2.) Can you give a gift FROM YOUR INVENTORY to another Tama? And How? Well, for now, these are my only questions.... I'll post more if ever...
  3. T

    How do I EXCACTLY connecy my Tamas to each other?

    Wah! Thanks sooo much! It really helped! Thanks! This worked just well! Wow! Thanks again!
  4. T

    How do I EXCACTLY connecy my Tamas to each other?

    Wah! Someone please help me!!! I'm confused with the whole V4 connect with V4 thing! I just aquired another V4 last night HOPING that I'd successfully get to connect it with my other V4... but no! I can't! I dunno why! This is EXCACTLY what I do... 1.) I put both Tamagotchis facing (both...
  5. T

    Where can I get fish?

    As you might have known, a Harutchi grows up into a teen of the Mame family then can grow into any of the Mame adults... Well, this is the thing... I really want my Harutchi to grow up into a Mametchi or a Tensaitchi. And of course, to get a Tensaitchi, I need AS MUCH INTELLIGENCE as I can get...