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  1. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    <_< BOOTZ EVOLVED! Sorry for the late update! Well anyway on thursday at school second lesson BOOTZ evolved into an adult. Now he is a really cute... KUCHIPATCHI!! He also has a job of being a school teacher at the tamatown elementry school. But i would have liked him to work at the...
  2. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :D BOOTZ EVOLVED! Just now BOOTZ evolved into a teenager. Now he is a really sweet... YOUNG KUCHIPATCHI! He looks so sweet now. Im gonna go and look on the tama v4 chart now. Ill probably reply later or tomorrow! Good Bye :D
  3. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :D WELL... Well when POPZ! left BOOTZ her baby boy POPZ! woke up and the light urned on and she was just standing facing BOOTZ bobbing up and down. Then after about 5 minutes she flies of the screen like they do on the way to go to work! Then the light was switched off and BOOTZ went back to...
  4. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :D POPZ! LEFT! About 2 hours ago i set the time on my tama to midnight and i saw POPZ! leave her little baby boy. About 5 minutes of watching POPZ! saying her final good byes to his baby she finally left. I woke the baby up straight away. He started crying when he woke up but i named him BOOTZ...
  5. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :huh: FINALLY! Sorry for the late update. Today was great. At about 11:30am this morning the matchmaker came on my tama. Now POPZ! has a lovely baby boy which i am probably going to name BOOTZ. POPZ! made love with a really sweet Tarakotchi. The screen when black then suddenly fireworks...
  6. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :D NOTHING MUCH! Sorry for the late update. POPZ! hasnt been up to much today. Well i wouldnt know anyway because i went swimming with my best friend, so she was stuffed in a locker! I am hoping that today or tomorrow the matchmaker will come and POPZ! will fall in love with the cutest...
  7. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :( TIME FOR WORK! Today when i was at school POPZ! got mail and it was for applying for a job. I really wanted her to get the job at the hospital because it was quite obvious that she wouldnt get the florist job. Well anyway first i applyed for the recording studio... JUDGE 1- x JUDGE 2- x...
  8. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :furawatchi: CHEAT CODES FOUND! I found the cheat codes for my tama v4. They include... HONEY...CELL PHONE...!!(CLONE)...PEN and STEAK. Here are the passwords for those items if you havent already got them... 1. BBCA CCCA = Pen 2. ACAB ACAC = Steak (found in the food area) 3. BAAB ACBA =...
  9. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    ^_^ POPZ! EVOLVED! Today POPZ! evolved into an adult. I was in my maths lesson at school and i checked my tama and she had evolved into a... PONYTCHI! She looks so sweet now and i am really glad she evolved into that. POPZ! is getting really brainy because she now has 143 intelligence points...
  10. G

    Gotchigirl14's Tama v4 log!

    :D HIYA! Hi im new to tama talk. Anyway i have a white tama v4 with orange buttons and blue, green and pink spots on it, on every spots there is a letter which spells out the word tamagotchi! I have a teenage young memetchi girl called POPZ! who is hopefully going to evolve into an adult...