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  1. I

    How to get the Rare Cell phone?

    Im finally in my 2ed Generation. I went on tama town and visited my old Tamagotchi. Now i saw a Cell Phone on the table in my grandparents house. How do I get it?
  2. I

    Okay, so i got to pick my teacher.

    I picked sum turtle looking dude to be my teacher. What is he supposed to be??
  3. I

    How to get Makiko?

    THANKS SO MUCH! that really helped me out. :]]
  4. I

    How to get Makiko?

    Art points are which one? the pencil the star or the flower?? and which game would give me the art points?
  5. I

    How to get Makiko?

    Yea i just got a tamigotchi today and i totally want a makiko!!!!! :]] Just...i dont know how? HELP PLZZ! :)
  6. I

    How to Get Nyatchi?

    I have read that you an get Nyatchi some how. I think its by debugging. But, im not sure. Can someone clear me up on this. If theres a way to get Nyatchi, How? Please and Thankyou. <33 ;)
  7. I

    Tamagotchi v3 Growth Chart?

    I would like to see the growth chart for tama. v3 because my lil sis has the v3 version. Shes gettin new batteries. so yah. Post the link or so? Please and Thankyou! ;) ^_^
  8. I

    How to make the Matchmaker come?

    My tama is 10 years old. :furawatchi:
  9. I

    How to make the Matchmaker come?

    How do I get the secret character??? How do i get a male oldie before my female dies???
  10. I

    How to make the Matchmaker come?

    Ok. So I woke up today. And Looked at my tama. IT WAS OLD! It looked like a granny. I dont want it to die without making a baby. How do you make the "matchmaker" appear?? Please and thankyou! :wub: ;)
  11. I

    My tama is an Adult and wont go to work!?!

    Sorry. :) THanks bye the wayy! <3
  12. I

    My tama is an Adult and wont go to work!?!

    why will no one help? Wow.....thankss.... :huh:
  13. I

    My tama is an Adult and wont go to work!?!

    Ok. SO my tama is 6 years old. Her name is BMBSL. Ever since she turned like......3 she stopped going to work! I always get mail and my tama goes to the place and a person never pops up. So my tama leaves sad. And she wont go to work And ive been getting mail with snakes and poop. Why is...