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  1. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    H Here! ---   Hi, sorry I havn't written for a long time. How's Life? Anyway; Nafja, - (wierd name, I know!), left the other night, leaving poor little Abbie in her box on her own. The next day, she grew into a Harutchi. Oh no! Right in front of me, my version 2 has died! It was fine a moment...
  2. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    Hey - Me again: -My V2's 7 or 8 by now and the flippin' match maker hasn't come! I called it Eizus, 'cause it's Suzie backwards out of TORCHWOOD! -(I now have the book of it!) Poor old Sappy got ill today, too. PHEW! -H. -xx :(
  3. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    MY V4's dead!--- I'm now all the way back at the start. 'Sappy' is a teenager, and she looks like this: :huh: She's cute! Write later when I have decent news. -Holly-xx ;)
  4. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    My V2 is now awake and running!!! I had the whale on my V2 and :o on my V4. On Gen 3 now but waiting for the match-maker to come. Sorry I hav'nt written in ages - bin busy. If any-one wants to chat to me, add my addy ; [email protected] See you later! -Holly-x
  5. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    :nazotchi: Hey there, me again.   My tama is 7 today and I keep on missing the match-maker! :-( :pochitchi: :nyatchi: :angry: HELP!!!   Anyway; I went into Arundle after school today with my mum, and I bought a new battery for my V2. I now have one of those round children called...
  6. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    ;) New Job!!! Hey there! My Tama, Suzie, finally got a job! After being rejected twice - (Because of not many points,) I finally got a job at a fair-ground! COOL!!! See you l8er, dudes! H-cat -xxx
  7. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    :furawatchi: ADULT!!!   Yesterday, my V4 turned into this: :o   Also, I got flowers from da king!!!   I don't like fortune cookies - they're annoying!!   When I get a job, i'll tell you.   For now, look after your tamagotchis!   Holly -x :mametchi:
  8. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    :D Fanx Emma!
  9. L

    New V4 - H's Log! :-)

    Hi there! I'm Holly & I have finally got my hands on a V4! Well, I actually got it on Saturday the 13th of Jan. I'm now on Gen 2 and I have a young Mimitchi called Suzie. If you watch TORCHWOOD, you might have guessed that i'm going through the charecters. Anyway - g2g to tamagotchi town...