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  1. T


    I cant right now... in an hour I will be on... lol
  2. T

    please tell me

    I supposivly go to bed at 11:00 (BUT, there is a big but) I actually sleep around 12:00-1:00 because I listen to music before I go to bed. Then I usually wake up at 7:00 and this is the honest to God truth.
  3. T


    To yesenia: it is an online game that you download (FREE) and you play as a chibi character. You kill things, talk to friends ect. To TwistAudio: well it does exist still! lol
  4. T


    Hahah. Do your research, then complain. anyway, yeah, it does take a while to lvl up, but i like it. And my friends give me stuff cuz one is lvl 65 or w/e and one is 45 or w/e lol. They are both rich. Lol.
  5. T


    ANNOUNCEMENT: I play MS. If you want to know who I am and want to add me on your buddy's list, tell me in a pm alright? And I shall add you. That is all.