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  1. L

    My Tama Log!

    Welcome to my Tama log! Status: Hungry: **** Happy: **** Training: [ ] 0 years 17 pounds Name: Luis Gender: Boy Gen: 2g Points: 3204p Luis is a beautiful little baby boy! He is the best Christmas present ever :) Pris did make it back to the home planet safely with...
  2. L

    My Tamagotchi Log

    Hello everyone! I have come with wonderful news.The matchmaker has come.The daddy of the new baby boy is a Memetchi!I'm so happy for Pris and the Memetchi. I will miss Pris a lot! :( I hope she and Memetchi make it back to the home planet safely. I will end this log today. Pris says she...
  3. L

    My Tamagotchi Log

    Hello, everyone!Today Pris has just been relaxing. ;) She is 5 years old. Almost 6 years.She is 57 pounds. Hungry and happy full. Training also full.She still hasn't found that special someone yet. Pris only has 2988 points.She has got to play some more games to get some gifts.Pris loves...
  4. L

    My Tamagotchi Log

    Welcome to my log! Pris is the name! Shopping is the game! Crack!Could it be a bird or a plane?No it's Pris.Pris is a cute little baby girl. Well was anyways...right now she is an adult. I got my v3 Tamagotchi on 12*17*06.My tamagotchi went from Baby...