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  1. happygirl

    hi everyone

    I wanted to reward myself for getting through a stressfull job interveiw so I went on ebay, and then of course I ended up spending way too much money on tamagochis (theres so many new ones since I last splurged!!). Part of me feels too old to be doing this (I'm 20) but, isn't that how it...
  2. happygirl

    hanerucchi keitai 2

    ooooh yay I found hanaruchi town! I pretty much have most of it figured out excpet letters and news and the things it connects to.
  3. happygirl

    hanerucchi keitai 2

    I've had lots of tamagotchi's before, including keitai, but never keitai 2, and since I am not that good with japanese at all (it takes a great deal of effort to work out what the characters are for me and even then my vocab is pretty dismal) I was wondering if anyone had translated some of the...