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  1. M

    My *ahem* tamagotchi log!

    v1:My Hinotamatchi evolved into a Hanatchi!My first 1! v2#1:This tama grew up into a :blink: like I wanted! v2#2:Well,Lemon evolved into a Pyonchitchi!!!!!!!I have had 2 of these,but they r cute! v3#1:My Patapatatchi evolved into a Fuarawatchi!!!!!!!!!!!Another new character! v3#2:my...
  2. M

    My *ahem* tamagotchi log!

    Ok,here is my NEW tamagotchi log. YOU MAY COMMENT/REPLY IN HERE. Ok,here are my tams. v2#1.Well,this bundle of fluff is currently a Ringotchi,3 years old,24lbs,33g(Tacos,boy) v2#2.Yes,I have another bundle of fluff,a Young Mametchi,3 years old,23 lbs,29g(Lemon,Girl) v3#1.Whoo!!!!A...
  3. M

    goodbye spudi

    Tamagotchi's Name:Spudi Tamagotchi's Age:6 Date of Birth:dunno Date of Passing:10/11/06 What Generation?15 Your Comments:WAAAAAAAAA!!1Spudi the Megatchi JUST had 2 die!15th gen!Thats why Im so sad....... :huh:
  4. M

    My V3 Tama Log

    :(aww,megu died!I love Debatchis.I can give you tips on how to get Chomametchi,Pyonkotchi,Pyonchitchi and Tsunotchi(they always work) :huh:
  5. M


    Hi folks,u may of seen Kurokotchi(josh9)s tama log,I am kurokotchi(josh9)with a different username.
  6. M

    josh9s tama log.

    Hi,it is me Kurokotchi(josh9) here.If u arev wondering why i have a different username,i have just registered a new account.So,If u see Mimitchi rules2000 or Kurokotchi(josh9),it is the same thing!Important!!! Yours Sincerely Mimitchi rules2000