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  1. S

    reset tama & get rare characters

    i heard that if you reset your tama heaps and heaps, you will get all the good characters, i didnt belive it, and i didnt think it would do any good to your tama either, but i just wanted to know if its true :(
  2. S

    Drowning Tamagotchi!!!

    when i was little and tamagotchis were the new fad, i had about 10, no joke, because i kept dropping them and they all stuffed up(they were actually digital pets because none were actual bandai)i never dropped one in water though. but then i actually got a real bandai 1st generation and no...
  3. S

    What do you do with your tama?

    i take my tamgotchi connexions to school every day and care for them in class, under my desk. THE TEACHERS DONT EVEN KNOW!!! LOL. but, baring in mind, tamagotchis are not the craze in my school. only myself and 1 of my good friends takes care of them. kind of crazy :unsure: