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  1. T


    On my v3 the batterys were dying i put up to my ear and it sounded like an all shut down alarm is this normal? :D :D :D
  2. T

    Dinkie Dinos

    I just got mine i was wondering if anyone has one :D :o
  3. T

    Mesutchi and Osutchi

    do you have a Mesutchi/Osutchi? if so please tell me :mellow:
  4. T


    if u mate a v2 and v3 will the babies be V2 or v3 babies?
  5. T


    I wanted to know if any of u had painted ur tama i really want to if u no how pm me
  6. T

    Do yuo have a neo virtual pet?

    I have the neo virtual do u? barely anybodie does :huh: :)
  7. T

    The origin of the tama King

    The little child tama looked back and forth, he changed into a very handsome :huh: he went to his mom and said "im going on a trip to an empty egg" his mom was a beutiful :unsure: . to be continued