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  1. ice mountain

    Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

    Eh? I personally like the '71 original better. It's a musical, and it has Gene Wilder.
  2. ice mountain

    Riddle Game!

    Here's a fun riddle game I learned a long time ago. The riddle is "Grandma likes coffee but she doesn't like tea." Now, the goal is to come up with another statement (it can be about anything!) that is valid. Examples! (Invalid) Original Riddle: Grandma likes coffee but she doesn't like tea...
  3. ice mountain

    The Buttercream Gang!

    Hai! I'm here to discuss The Buttercream Gang. I recently dug through a box of old movies I've never watched, and found The Buttercream Gang on the bottom of the box. I popped it in, and nearly had to sew my jaw to my mouth to keep it from falling off.. First off, it's about "The...
  4. ice mountain

    James Herriot

    James Herriot. Incase you're wondering who this is, James Herriot is a writer who mainly bases his books on his veterinary practice. I wouldn't recommend these books for anyone under 13. (some of his descriptions are a little inappropriate) He has a very unique outlook on daily life and almost...
  5. ice mountain

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I cannot stand the Twilight books. The writing I found to be in a childish manner, and supposedly Edward was attractive. I found Edward to be repulsive, and the last type of male I would want to be with. Opinions plz?
  6. ice mountain

    What are your political views?

    Hello. I apologize to the guides if this is against the rules..but I'm curious as to see the majority's views. Please do not post saying "Gay Pride" or "Candidate '08" or any other slogans. This is just a poll. I could make this poll only, but I'd like to see your reasons as why you're for what...
  7. ice mountain

    NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)

    Hi there~ I was just wondering whether anyone still had a working NES. I have two. One needs to be taken apart and dusted, which I should try to get to this weekend...and the other is still in original packaging. :wub: I have several games as well: -Super Mario Brothers 3 -Super Mario...
  8. ice mountain

    Nintendo DS colors!

    Hai. It seems most everyone on TT has a Nintendo DS. What color is yours? Mine's Red 'n' Black. <3 :huh:
  9. ice mountain

    Frank Iero's Magic Trick

    I was wondering if anyone has seen Frank Iero's magic trick. It's a YouTube video, but I'm having issues with Safari right now, so I can't post the link. I thought it was hilarious, being a big fan of MCR, and especially Frankiee *Spwee!* In case you don't know who Frank Iero is here's some...
  10. ice mountain

    What's your opinion of Hannah Montana?

    Well, as we all probably know by now, Ice has a serious problem with Disney Channel. I'd like to know whether Hannah Montana is stalking you also? She follows me to the grocery store, the gas station, Wal-mart, and pretty much everywhere else I go. Note: Please don't turn this into something...
  11. ice mountain

    Has anyone ever seen Kiki's Delivery Service?

    I was just wondering if anyone on here has ever seen my all-time favorite movie, Kiki's Delivery Service. It's a Japanese-animated movie, with manga-ish characters and its about..: Theres this girl Kiki. And she's 13, and is a witch. She needs to go on her own to learn about the world or...
  12. ice mountain

    FOB vs. MCR

    Yeah, I'm going there. I want to know what Tamatalk thinks of these two awesome bands. Please, don't be like, OMG I HATE THEM, JONAS BROTHERS RULE. Stick to FOB and MCR, Please. Go ahead and type fav. lyrics, etc! I want to know who will win! -- Can a guide please close this after 20 days...
  13. ice mountain

    Who's your favorite band/singer?

    Ok, well please don't turn this into a flame war..I know it could happen. Just post your fav band, not anything like "OMFG FOB IS THE BEST BAND EVER!!!!" (Btw: Fob is the best band). X3 My favorite band of all time is Fall Out Boy
  14. ice mountain

    Have you ever thought of suicide?

    I'm just wondering how many people on TT have ever thought of suicide, please don't turn this into a flame war, trust me, I KNOW it could happen.   Personally, I've thought of suicide, but I've never actually THOUGHT of what it was going to be like sitting there. Killing myself.   Please...
  15. ice mountain

    How many type colors are there?

    Hey! Thanks for reading this and these are the colors I know that work! Please post any more! Red Orange Yello Green Light Green Dark Green Light Blue Blue Dark Blue Purple Black White Grey Brown Magenta Light Pink[/color Any more?
  16. ice mountain

    Does anyone have Heelys?

    I have currently ordered a pair of Heelys Bliss 2 Black/Pink! THEY ARE WICKED! :D
  17. ice mountain

    Does anyone know ALL the colors for tamatalk?

    I know there are alot of tamatalk BBC code colors, so please tell me the ones that I don't have listed here! Black Brown Pink Red Dark Red Orange Yellow Light Green Dark Green Cyan Dark Cyan [/color Light Blue Blue Dark Blue Purple Magenta Grey White[/color   ^ Click...
  18. ice mountain

    Do you like school/college?

    I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE school. It is so annoying, and I am homeschooled so it is 200000000000000000 times harder than public school.
  19. ice mountain

    Do you own/be owned by a cat?

    Yesh, this is another random topic by Icey. I was just wondering how many people own, or are owned by a cat! I currently have 3 cats, and 6 kittens, here are their names and descriptions! Cats: Cinnimin: Yellow, Orange, and a little White! Smokey: Dark grey, Light grey, Black! Kassie...