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  1. Chubby Angel

    New Tamagotchi Angel Rerelease Log

    I got the new Angelgotchi rerelease after asking Tamagotchi USA to rerelease it. My Dreamy Angel device is cute, even though I miss the 90s angel aesthetic of the original Angelgotchi devices released in 1998. When I was a kid in the 90s, I wanted a Tamagotchi Angel SO much, I even asked my...
  2. Chubby Angel

    Donut (Ginjirotchi) is the first tama I’ve raised in YEARS. I’m keeping him alive in my Tamagotchi Pix Party for as long as I can! *Comments Welcome*

    Hello! I ordered a Tamagotchi PixxParty last summer and raised my tamagotchi into a Ginjirotchi. I call him “Donut” as a nickname because he loves donuts. I grew so attached to him, I didn’t want to let him go back to his home planet to work as a chef. Instead, I’m keeping him as a full time pet...
  3. Chubby Angel

    Tamagotchi Goals

    Does anyone else have any goals they’d like to accomplish as a tama enthusiast? So far, I have a few of my own that I’m currently working on, and other tama goals I aspire to in general: Tama Goals In Progress 🪐 I’ve been taking care of my first tamagotchi I ever received on my Tamagotchi Pix...
  4. Chubby Angel

    Tamagotchi Game Boy Log *Comments Welcome!*

    Hello! I just started playing the Tamagotchi game for Game Boy Color. Playing it on a Game Boy Color right now is making me so nostalgic! I'm enjoying the music on full volume through my speakers. I want to log all of the tamagotchis I get in this game so I can remember them later on. This is...
  5. Chubby Angel

    Hello! I’ve been a Tamagotchi fan since the 90s!

    Hello everyone! I’m so glad to be here! I started having virtual pets when I was a kid in the 90s. They were so much fun! However, I was no longer using them by some time in the early 2000s. I’m currently in my early thirties. I got back into Tamagotchi by watching the movies and anime. I fell...