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  1. K

    If you could have anything in the world...

    I would have everything going smoothly
  2. K

    Last word you said.

    what was the very last word you said? mine was, 'nothing' dont ask xD
  3. K

    What subjects did you take?

    I took spanish, art and history (along with maths, all three sciences, re and pe)
  4. K


    ive entered bgt for 2010 playing piano! heres the proof: PICTURE cant waitttt. if you want to know what i sound like on piano you would have to look at my youtube channel.
  5. K


    Its sort of a conplicated one. So ill explain things to you. Joe - is the ex Sam - is the exs cousin Scott - is their best friend. Peter - boy who liked me Sarah - my best mate Katey - other friend from lessons Dan - other boy I liked Adam - best mate from lessons and nothing else...
  6. K

    The Sims 3

    i have vista basic. would i still be able to use it?
  7. K

    quick! FREEZE FRAME

    goks fashion fix (Y)
  8. K

    SHUFFLE :)

    shuffle your ipod/mp3 and list the first 10 songs that come up :wacko: - wonderwall - oasis never miss a beat - kaiser chiefs crash and burn - busted viva la vida - coldplay another day - paramore gotta get thru this - daniel bedingfield photograph - nickelback antmusic - adam and the...
  9. K

    what do you regret most?

    what do you regret most? i know what i regret, getting rid of my last boyfriend
  10. K

    Paramore the 1st, 2nd and 3rd

    Paramore is amazing, anyones whos heard them will know that. But if you've heard either versaemerge or hey monday, does anyone think they are trying to be like paramore? discuss :furawatchi: btw does anyone know when paramores new album might be coming out? and are versaemerge or hey...
  11. K

    IS IT IMPOSSIBLE? Sonic Heroes Emerald.

    i have sonic heroes for the ps2 and i have all the emeralds except the one after bingo highway. it seems too hard to do! i tried team rose because you cant get hurt as much so you can keep the key and get to the emerald level but then i get no where, and ive heard that you should use sonic but...