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  1. L

    Should they cover one direction?

  2. L


    I really like his songs :huh: My favourite one is Fear...
  3. L

    Silly Bandz

    Is it worth the money?? I dont think so...
  4. L

    "dislike" button for facebook?

    Anyone else think there should be one ?
  5. L

    The Spy Next Door?

    I liked Jackie Chan- he was awesome. But I didn't understand what Billy Ray Cyrus' role was in the movie- nor did I know he was going to be in the movie. And Madeline Carroll (the girl who was the daughter of the mom) reminded me a lot of Miley Cyrus because of her attitude, the gum chewing...
  6. L


    I get nervous whenever someone tries to take pictures of me.
  7. L

    Pizza is beautiful

    BTW I was too lazy to finish the rest... So here it is: Pizza is beautiful. Pizza is delicious. Pizza is appetizing. Pizza is alluring. Pizza is a four letter word. Pizza is nicely decorated. Pizza is like a wedding cake. Pizza smells good most of the time, but other times it is just plain...
  8. L

    Random Question: Do you ever add salad dressing?

    I don`t like to add salad dressing. I think salads taste better without the dressing :wub:
  9. L

    That's SO MEAN!

    Okay, so I logged onto my email on Saturday and it said my Itunes account password was changed. I was like, "WTF I didn't change my password"!!! And then I couldn't log on because someone else changed my password. So I reset my password and there was $0.76 left! I used to have $7.21. Then I...
  10. L

    Ever thought about Justin Bieber?

    HE'S HOTT... and now he's not!!
  11. L

    Favourite Youtube Channel(s)?!

    I like Fred and Ryan Higa the best!!! You?
  12. L

    School Supplies?!

    So what are you guys getting this school year? (I need ideas)
  13. L

    Project Runway' Star: Miley Cyrus Looks 'Tarty,2933,412198,00.html “(Miley Cyrus) is just a little too tarty, forgive me. I don’t want her to look like she’s going into a convent school, but it’s just a little too much for a 15-year-old. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was 25,” I think thats like a...
  14. L

    The Mingle(ish) Topic

    I was just thinking, would Tamatalk be a funner place if you were always able to express your mind with someone who would be able to give you a newer perspective on life? You may not always like the same thing, but everybody has their differences, right? Here, you could basically see which...
  15. L

    Miley and Mandy Show

    Anyways, I'm a big fan of their show. There's a dance competition between them and other break dancers, so they made a music video that they danced along to 4 minutes with. Guess they're not talented, right? //
  16. L

    Yaya! My birthday is tomorrow!

    Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I'm turning 2 (Won't say my real age) tomorrow. Not bragging, just really exciting. So if you wish to PM me about more, feel free. Hope you all have a great Easter and sorry if I copied any topics :( Best of luck XP
  17. L

    Current Grammar Mistakes

    Just for my mistake, I decided to add on (Really sorry :P ). Lets get simple (Grammar mistakes): "If I would have known about the party, I would have gone to it." * "If I had known about the party, I would have gone." "He don’t care about me anymore." * "He doesn’t care about me anymore."...
  18. L

    Stuff to do alone...

    I don't know! I'm just asking, what would you do alone? I really don't want to describe what I'm asking here. Any Ideas though? Like... Reading, Writing...
  19. L

    Montana Movie... (You know who she is)

    The commercial keeps popping up on Disney (related) channels. Its some sort of 3-D thing, and for some reason I get this feeling that the movie will be a big hit. First the concert, then a film. Disney sure knows how to make the cheapest movies! Lol ;) Anybody heard of it yet?
  20. L

    I make fruity avatars!

    These avatars look really good! Please read this before you fill out the form. I kind of rushed the examples, but they're at the bottom :D Please specify what fruit you want. Do you want a real picture or a fake one? You can add a plain backround, decorated, or blurred. Plain- Say what...