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  1. V

    Glasses or Contacts?

    hi everyone! i'm sure not many of you know who i am..but here i am with a random topic. ^_^ do you wear glasses or contact lenses? you see, i just recently got contacts and they're kind of a pain..they were impossible to put on and take off but you get the hang of it. now, they kinda make my...
  2. V


    hello tamatalkers! i'm having my grade 8 graduation tonight and i absolutely can't wait! there's gonna be a party and then a dance, it's gonna be major fun! 'cept i don't have a date..the people i asked are with my friends. :mimitchi: oh well....boys are dopey. :P so out of curiosity, i...
  3. V

    Grad dates?

    We're having a grade 8 grad dance in a little bit less than a month. Okay, we usually have dates to go to these and I've asked like 2 guys, and they've both turned me down (they're total jerks and they're friends with each other, big mistake)! Pretty much all of my friends have dates except me...
  4. V

    i have the ball glitch

    well, i have the ball glitch right? i enabled it on purpose because i wanted to see how it was like. well, i had plain tickets, items, and of course, balls in my meals menu as well as my snack menu. i was feeding them to my tamagotchi (she has 811 skill points in social and 169 in fashion! :( )...
  5. V

    my very glitched up version 1

    well, i was opening up my tamagotchi and i tried the trick where you can turn your tamagotchi from a connection to a connexion. when i put a battery in, it immediatly took me to where i set up the clock. i didn't have a chance to download or reset. while i was setting it up, the months were...
  6. V

    double parent

    well, on my version 3, the parent left the baby last night and i checked the parent list and there were 2 of my tamagotchi's parent! so when i scroll through the parent list, there's 2 bunbutchi's (that's the adult i had). does anyone know why this happens?
  7. V

    present glitch?

    well, i was connecting my version 3 with my version 1. my version 3 came over to my version 1 tamagotchi to give it a present. my version 1 tamagotchi is an adult memetchi but it got a ball, which is kind of a waste because it can't use it. is that a glitch? i mean it receiving a ball for a...
  8. V

    is this tamagotchi real? now i know about these tamagotchi. the deka tamas were the huge ones you could connect with at stores in japan. but i was wondering if this was a real one. the sprite looks strange on the screen and so does the picture. mametchi...
  9. V

    the batteries ran out.

    okay, i had other tama's before and their batteries lasted for months. but my v3's batteries just ran out on me during school and just now! is that normal on a v3? please help. i really want my tama to evolve soon. :)
  10. V


    i have a question about the souvenirs on a v3. can you use them? or are they just there for display? i'd really like to know, so please help me out. thanks. :)