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  1. G

    What are active posts?

    My profile says I have 13,000 or so active posts, but I really have over 14,900 posts overall. What is an active post as opposed to a regular post?
  2. G

    Hairstyles -

    So, I'm getting a haircut (hopefully sooner rather than later xD) and I'm a little stuck as to what hairstyle I want to try. My hair is naturally curly, so I need a style that I can easily wear natural and not have to straighten or anything. Currently, my hair is a few inches past shoulder...
  3. G

    When do you go back to school?

    I'm surprised there isn't already a topic about this, so I decided to make one. I go back on September 8th. (:
  4. G

    Are you happy with who you are?

    Both physically and personality-wise. I thought this would be an interesting topic of discussion. Overall, are you happy with the person that you are? What do you like/dislike about your appearance/personality? What do you wish you could change about yourself?
  5. G

    I could use some advice.

    Some of you may know that I recently got my hair cut. And now it's summer. I have way too much time on my hands, and I ended up convincing myself that one side of my hair was longer than the other, so I cut off a little piece. That little piece turned out to be a little more than I wanted, and...
  6. G

    I'm sick of it. He's such a pig.

    Okay, so my 'friend' Matt is a pig. Just like all the other guys in our grade, but worse because he picks on me. A lot. I haven't exactly been through very much puberty yet, so my ****s are still kinda flat and my butt is too. I'm rather small for my age, and skinny. At first, he told me I...
  7. G


    I've been bugging my mom for a while to let me get my hair cut. She's finally given in. I don't know when I'm getting it done, hopefully soon, but first I have a question. My hair is pretty unevenly cut. In the middle, it's long, and shorter on either side, the left side having the shortest...
  8. G

    Your Style! :]

    Your style. Your wardrobe. What you like to wear. For me, a normal outfit consists of: grapic tee, hoodie, skinny jeans, Converse. I also have a few fancier t-shirts that I like to wear. Other shoes I like to wear are my flip flops, brown Uggs, and black American Eagle boots. Ohh, and I mostly...
  9. G

    Blogs -

    I used to use Blogagotchi and Livejournal, but I haven't for some time now. What about you guys? c:
  10. G

    It's Nickiii!

    Notice how my visits to TamaTalk lately have become short and infrequent? My life, as weird as it feels to tell you this, is actually busy. I know, I'm shocked too! D: But things have cooled down for a bit, and I've decided that when I don't have to study for tests (which seem to be popping up...
  11. G

    Ew, this poem needs major editing.

    To love is to hate To succeed is to fail Although going through everything Has ceased to prevail She strives for perfection Yearns for contentment Does all in her power To be able to present it That moment of pride That second of glory She wishes upon a star To come true, her...
  12. G

    Aerosmith ~ !

    So since every other band in the world is getting their own topic, I figured Aerosmith deserved one too. c: Well, they're my favorite band. I love pretty much every one of their songs, but some of my favorites would have to be Amazing, Angel, I Don't Want To Miss A Thing, Love In An Elevator...
  13. G

    Nicki needs a hug. :(

    On Monday, we found a cat on our property. He was so adorable, and extremely affectionate, you would swear he was a dog in disguise. I don't usually like cats, but this one would rub against your leg, lay on your feet, and jump up on you like a dog. He would follow you wherever you went. In...
  14. G

    I am so freaked out right now.

    I'm watching Changeling, the remake of the 1980 film. It came out last year, 2008. It's extremely freaky. Here's the wiki page: It's based on a true story, and you can read all about that and the plot on that page. Has anyone ever seen it? What...
  15. G

    Game Recommendations?

    So my birthday just passed, and I've got $130 in gift money. And I just got The Sims 2: Apartment Pets for the DS, which is really fun, but it's pretty repetetive. I love the Nintendo DS, and I'd really like some game recommendations. Please include either a short summary or a wiki page on the...
  16. G

    Think back to when you first joined~

    For me, I was a complete noob. I was only 9, and I had bad grammar and used chatspeak all the time. Since then, my interests have changed, my knowledge of Tamagotchis and the world is greater, and I have so many more friends now. Now that I'm turning 13 on Tuesday, I made this topic thinking...
  17. G

    My Version 3 <3

    I recently decided to start up my V3 Tamagotchi Connection for the first time in a few months, and now that a new generation is approaching, I figured I would make a log. It's probably not going to be much. Just a semi-daily recording of the growth and activity of my Tamagotchi. I understand...
  18. G

    Have you ever traded a pet before?

    Pet trading is when you exchange your Neopet for someone else's Neopet via the transfer system. Usually members set up trades on the Neopound boards when advertising their UFT (up for trade) pet. Other users will then "offer" their UFT pets for the one in question and the board creator has the...
  19. G

    Looking to buy a new virtual pet toy~

    Please don't suggest Tamagotchis. I already have them. I'm talking about things like Nanopets, Gigapets, and pretty much anything else out there. Since my birthday is coming up soon and I have absolutely nothing on my wishlist, I was hoping to find a new virtual pet for my collection. ^^ And of...
  20. G

    Which version should I start up?

    I have been thinking about putting batteries in one of my Tamagotchis because I actually miss playing with them. I used to be completely obsessed with them when I joined TamaTalk, and was still obsessed up until the V5 craze died down. Now, I want to start one of my old Tamagotchis up again. So...