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  1. S


    I technically left TT back in December of 2008 and I popped back in April last year for something. It's nice to be back :D . It's fun to look through all the topics and look back on the time I spent here. Most of the people I was friends with have left so I'm looking for new ones. Anyway hi again!
  2. S

    It's completely ridiclous!

    I have looked at topic after topic about girls who have some crush on some guy and it always annoys me and now here I am. ARGH! There is this one boy who no matter what always has my attention. In the lessons I have with him I can't concentrate and find myself focusing on him instead. I spend...
  3. S

    What online games do you play?

    Just wondering. I find a lot of them annoying because loads of them are in 3D now and I need a new graphic card for the PC but can't be bothered to get one. I currently only play 2D ones. I play PiStory (however the closed beta just ended so I can't play until the open beta is available on the...
  4. S

    Second Accounts.

    I don't have one and I think it's pointless. What about you. Is there an actual reason like you're account stopped working or some other reason or did you just want a new one?
  5. S

    Christmas Banner!

    Hello! Once it's the Christmas Banner collection! Some of you may remember that I did one last year however I forgot to send it because of my birthday. So this time can you make sure to remind me please! Just to make sure. Well now lets get to the actual point of the topic. You must make a...
  6. S

    Avatar Collection!

    I just thought it would be a nice idea if some people made some nice avatars and shared them with other members of TT. I doubt this is a copy as most people make avatars for others rather than others making and then posting them. DO NOT USE OTHER PEOPLES IMAGES TO MAKE YOUR OWN AVATARS! This...
  7. S

    Your number one anime.

    It would be interesting to see what people think as their all time favourite. I think mine would probably be Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. It was really good that series. So what about you? What is your #1 favourite anime?
  8. S

    Fireworks night!

    Fireworks night is some thing that happens in England. (I'm not sure about Scottland or Wales but they might know about it if they don't celebrate it). It's also known as bonfire night and Guy Fawk's Night. *Edit: Guy Fawkes night is on 5th November (and celebrations usually take place on that...
  9. S

    Ever feel don't belong.

    Well sometimes when I'm at school something goes wrong and I get real mad. When that happens there's an argument and when it resolves I feel like I don't really belong there. Though I don't care what others think I see them all happy and stuff and look at myself an annoying short tempered...
  10. S

    The story series.

    Hello! My name is Amber. I'm a :P . I work at a bank in Tama Town. I have a daughter called Miyu and she is a :lol: right now. Any way I wake up one morning and "Nooo!" I scream. Someone stolen my car. "Mum what is it? Did something happen...oh dear the cars gone. And there's the bus...
  11. S

    The Gimp! (graphics program)

    I have it. It's like paint shop pro really.
  12. S

    Admin on a forum

    I have. It's kinda nice to think those people want you to help maintain their forum. I regret turning their offers down but I didn't know that invision free didn't mind if you were under 13 unless you owned the forum. (Well not as much) At the same time though it is annoying because you wonder...
  13. S

    My V4 log!

    Here is info on my G1 V4 Tama. Name: Will Gender: Boy Status: Baby Health: Sick 1 Wieght: 14lb Training: 0 Life Points: Intelgince: 14 Fashion: 7 Kindness: 6 It just evolved into a Mizutamatchi!
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    Card Captors

    Card Captors was my favorite show ever. (I think that it was an anime) Do you see it? Did you like it? I loved it!
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    Do you like Animal Crossing?

    Well I adore the game. I just can't get through the day without it it's the best thing they ever made in my veiw!!!! But what about you?
  16. S

    Do you have internet exploer 7?

    Do you have internet exploer 7? I do and it's really useful because now I don't need multiple windows open any more I just use the tabs!!! ^_^ I love it and it has this really cool futureistic look about it. :huh:
  17. S


    Ragieo :( sat in his chair laughing like crazy when Tral :( came in. "Plan A part 2 has begun sir however we have a problem." "WHAT!!!!!!!!!! a problem what kind of problem?!" "Well sir someone has made it out of the city alive." Storm :( and Muffin :D were walking on the outscirts of...
  18. S

    i think i keep having a glitch/i need help!

    here r some comon questions if u find any more questions that r asked often please post them!!!! :D Q:My tama is a floating white egg with wings. where has my tama gone? A:It has sadly died (this was in the instructions if u couldn't find them they're inbetween the card of the packet!!!)...
  19. S


    :unsure: Storm looked through the rubbel till he found Muffins :angry: bedroom door. "I found your room!!!!" he said and began to look for her window. Finally he found it and broke it open. "at last I thought I was never going to get out of there!!! Anyway what's up?" "What's up is that my...
  20. S


    :) Storm reached his house just as it colapsed in on its self. "MUM!!!" he screamed "MUM!!!!" the entire street was in ruins around him. he was just about 2 turn and go when he heard something. "Hello can anyone hear me! help i'm stuck any one!!!" the voice was coming from the remains of...