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  1. S


    I don't want it... ~Camelle
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    How to make a good team on D/P

    Yes, Octillery is a very good pokemon that you can use for your water type! Octillery's moveset contains Water, Normal, Bug, Grass, Psychic, Poison and Ice moves, a total of 7 different types! ~Camelle
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    How to catch Rotom on D/P

    Note: Please read this first. Before you try this, make sure you have beaten the Elite Four and obtained the National dex. If you haven't done one or both of these things, what I am going to tell you will not work! Even if you have the national dex, make sure you have also beaten the Elite Four...
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    How to make a good team on D/P

    That's pretty good. Remember, there is no such thing as a right team. There is more than one good team. A good team balcances out disadvantages with advantages. It's good you use dragon types since they tend to have higher than average stats. I suggest you use Garchomp, a Dragon/ground...
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    How to make a good team on D/P

    Stuck on what your team should be on pokemon Diamond or Pearl? Well, I am posting a formula to making a well balanced team on D/P! Here's how! 1. 1 Fire type Recommended pokemon: Chimchar and evolves (Monferno,Infernape)(If Chimchar chosen as starter), Ponyta and evolve (Rapidash), Torkoal...
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    Okay, no offence but I don't care. If that's the case, how did you type that? ~Camelle
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    Ummmm okay. ~Camelle
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    Who's your favorite elite four memeber?

    I actually know some guys who called Cynthia a "hot chick." Some of my friends who are girls called Lucian "sexy". Cynthia's attractive, I know. It's amazing,really how those girls were sqeeing at Lucian :) . ~Camelle
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    Who's your favorite elite four memeber?

    At least they're harder than the sapphire ones :P . My friend said that in R/E/S their pokemon were in the late 40's early 50s. Funny Lucian story here! My friend was trying to beat the elite 4. She was able to one hit KO Aaron Bertha and Flint's pokemon but Lucian's Medicham left left her...
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    Who's your favorite elite four memeber?

    Yeah his bronzong and medicham took me 5 minutes each! Thats why it took me 5 tries and 20 freaking minutes to beat him! Cynthia's really pretty and she took me like 10 tries to beat, though when I got it right, I beat her about 9-10 min. ~Camelle
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    Who's your favorite elite four memeber?

    Lari, my tama, votes for Cynthia! xP, Camelle
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    You may have an allergy to one of the chemicals in it. Test a little on your wrist. If your skin gets irritated, you have an allergy ;. ~Camelle
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    Who's your favorite elite four memeber?

    This is the version of this poll with Cynthia included. I know, I misspelled Aaron's name this time xP. ~Camelle
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    Hows the new pokemon game?

    One word, 9 letters. A-D-D-I-C-T-I-V-E addictive! ~Camelle
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    I know, Crikeys or PokéyxKz is a lot like Ash :kuribotchi: ! ~Camelle PS I'd like if PokéyxKz or Crikeys, whichever he prefers, replies to and edits this post knowing how much he like pokemon :kuribotchi: .
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    Are you concerned about Global Warming?

    I can't care less about global warming. Too many people care anyways. What's one less? ~Camelle
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    britney spears

    I saw her on the news. She was leaving the hospital and her car was swarmed by paparazzi in 2 sec :'(. Yeah, I feel bad for her. ~Camelle
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    Another D/P poll xP

    I'm saying if they had a gender. ~Camelle
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    No. If you feel you're not ready, don't get one. Everyone gets ready at different times. ~Camelle
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    Are you gay or lesbian?

    No, I am not lesbian, but I do know some people who are gay or lesbian. ~Camelle