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  1. S

    Animal Crossing for the GameCube

    Do you know where I can still get it? I have Wii and it will work on it :o . ~Camelle
  2. S

    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    The Japanese release date is September 13, 2008 which is just about a month from now ( Already :o ) and I don't know the N.America release date (yet). Sorry, but I'll post it as soon as I find out! ~Camelle EDIT: This link leads to the Bulbapedia article for Pokemon Platinum, and it has a...
  3. S

    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Shaymin's new forme is called the sky forme and it willl be grass/flying. The glacidia(sp) flower, obtainable in Platinum in Floaroma town, will change shaymin to this forme (Dunno how, sorry :( ) ~Camelle
  4. S

    this will leave you in tears...

    That made me cry... my friend's aunt died in that horrible disaster :wacko: . May the dead rest in peace and may the living live on. ~Camelle
  5. S

    Bratz dolls these days

    I don't know why parents would buy plastic prostitutes for their kids. Sad. Some of the older ones are little better, but the new ones are going too far, in bikinis and miniskirts. ~Camelle
  6. S

    Friday 13th.

    Thirteenth or not TGIF ANYWAYS! This week was a dag for me, so TGIF! ~Camelle
  7. S


    Ugh...please... don't... remind... me... so... full... of....[voice=whisper] fangirls! [/whisper] Okay, I used to have an account but I left few months back 'cause there was too many rabid fangirls and I simply got annoyed ;) . ~Camelle
  8. S

    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    You've all noticed the pattern on each generation of pokemon games; they release two games, then a third one a few years later. You've seen this in generation I with pokemon Red and Blue being released, then they released pokemon Yellow a few years later as well as in generation II with...
  9. S

    V5: Parent Evolutions

    Hi, I have a question. How can I can I get a mametchi, memetchi, kutchipatchi or Furawatchi? I have the blended family right now and I would like to have a special family next gen. ~Camelle
  10. S

    Gym leader and Elite four observation

    I've made an observation on the gym leaders and the Elite four. For most of them, the genders of their pokemon who have genders match their gender. Roark has an all male team and Roark is a guy. Gardenia has 1 male turtwig, but the rest of her team are female. This does not apply to Maylene...
  11. S

    The color red...

    I believe red is a associated with danger because red is the color of blood :huh: . I'm not sure, really, just a guess! ~Camelle
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    Okay.... ~Camelle
  13. S

    Pokemon pearl

    Darkrai is only obatainable through a Japanese event. Sorry! ~Camelle
  14. S

    Ghost experiances

    I don't believe in ghosts myself, but I find it very fun to read about ghost stories. ~Camelle
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    If you had £1000 what would you buy?

    I'm in the US, we use dollars instead of pounds, so I'll say with $1000. Get Pokemon Emerald and other pokemon games :angry: . ~Camelle
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    I never found my parents embarassing at all. I don't know why, I just didn't. ~Camelle
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    ... ~Camelle
  18. S

    How to catch Rotom on D/P

    No, I posted that based on how I did it. i should be the same for you guys :angry: . ~Camelle
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    Do you like your name?

    I thought your name was Soha. Is Soha a nickname? Anyways, my name is obviously Camelle. They call me Camelle. Camelle Anne Rite Irene C. ~Camelle
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    I know... ~Camelle