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  1. S

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ Has a nice avvie > Is a pokemon trainer xP V Is a fish head ~Camelle
  2. S

    What are you eating right now?

    Just a random question, but what are you eating right now? Me? I'm eating cinnamon hearts! ~Camelle
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    I named a Gastly YO MAMA once. It was like "Go, YO MAMA!", " YO MAMA used Shadow ball!" , "YO MAMA is burned" and "YO MAMA fainted!" xDD! ~Camelle
  4. S

    What song can you not get enough of?

    Darude's Sandstorm. 'Nuff said. ~Camelle
  5. S

    Are you sick of the Jonas Brothers?

    Now, now. Calm down. Don't flame. I agree with the last paragraph, though. ~Camelle
  6. S

    Are you sick of the Jonas Brothers?

    Unfortunately, there are usually girls squealing in the vicinity X.X . Yea, I am begining to grow tired of the Jonas Brothers and their ANNOYING FANGIRLS (No offence if you are one). Disney should have stayed away from all this star crap. I mean, a few shows like That's so Raven and Lizzie...
  7. S

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    Because it's greasy. Why can't you see this? <--- Click three times to see. ~Camelle
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    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    Because my (female) cat thinks that every guy in the Sinnoh big 13 is super hawt (except for Byron and Crasher Wake) bad kitty :P . Why does she think that? ~Camelle
  9. S

    Band Names

    How 'bout Them? ~Camelle
  10. S

    Do you like Fred?

    I'm wondering what Fred's actual voice is. ~Camelle
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    The Matchmaker

    The narrator of this story is a :unsure: . Chapter 1: An alarm beeped. It was time to wake up and get ready for school. I did the usual stuff, brush my teeth... But when I went outside I saw the newspaper headline was printed extra bold. This could only mean one thing: Breaking news. I...
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    I'm not a Christian and I'm not an Atheist. I'm not telling my religion, but I do believe in God. ~Camelle
  13. S

    Ringtone only children can hear!

    I'm 22 and I could hear up to the second last one O.o. ~Camelle
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    No, but I was pulled over a little while ago for driving with an expired license. The license had only been expired for a day x.x . ~Camelle
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    How long have you been on TT?

    Three years as of Sept 19, 2008. ~Camelle
  16. S

    Guess what guys?

    Thanks, but the TTversery was on the 19th and today is my birthday, 'cause some of you mixed them up! Thanks for the Santagotchi xD! ~Camelle
  17. S

    Guess what guys?

    Today's my birthday! I'm turning 22! Yep. 22! And 2 days ago was my 3rd TTversery! So, I'm 22 and I've been her 3 years now! ~Camelle
  18. S

    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Guess what? Fantina is now the third gym leader, Maylene the fourth and Crasher Wake the fifth! The gym leaders can be rechallenged and they will have 5 pokemon above level 60 after the defeat of the Elite Four. The sinnoh pokedex has been expanded to 210 as mentioned above by porygonlord and...
  19. S

    Cartoon character crushes!

    It's okay, it's way better than being lesbian. It just means your straight if the character is the opposite gender of you. ~Camelle
  20. S

    People overusing the 'N' word too much.

    Those kids should wake up. It ain't the 50's anymore. It's 2008! Decades ago, that's what the used to call blacks in the south. I can't believe they still say that! It's just racist and mean! ~Camelle