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  1. S

    What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

    I'm listening to AC/DC Hell's Bell's right now.
  2. S


    I have a friend my age who scared of bugs and clowns. As for me I'd have to say escalators and Miley Cyrus o.o.
  3. S

    Tama characters you miss

    Hey guys! Do you ever miss old characters from older tamas that are not on the new tamas? The 'lost' character I miss the most would have to be hanatchi. So sweet, so cute :( . It's been a while since I've seen pochitchi and genjirotchi on the US tams.
  4. S

    Have you ever felt yourself going off Tamas?

    I'm a very on/off type of trainer now. I was about 20 when I got my first one and I was a full time trainer in my first 1 or 2 years, but after then I didn't have the kind of time to take care of them all the time as I grew older. I've also gained new interests and had to MOVE STATES TWICE in...
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    What was the last word you said?

    SEXY :unsure: ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Tamagotchi's Name: Indigo ( ^_^ ) Tamagotchi's Age: 6 Date of Birth: December 25, 2009 Date of Passing: January 2, 2010 What Generation? 3 Your Comments: Indigo, in many ways you were much like your grandmother, Ava. But you surpassed her in many ways. You won twice the awards she did...
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    *removed by me*
  11. S

    What are you eating right now?

    MMM smoked salmon xP!
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    N00b. :(
  13. S

    Gay Marriage

    Do you think that same sex marriage should be legal in every state? Currently, it is legal in only 5 states and recognized in one more. If you live outside of the US, is gay marriage legal in your country? If not, do you think it should be? As for my opinion, I think that the love between a man...
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    major life change

    Hey there, Derek long time no see :) ! Just make yourself at home. Then you will be able to express your feelings about others. That helps you form relationships and gives you the will to do things. You can then voice your opinions and develop insight, and you won't feel so bored...
  17. S

    Democrat or Republican?

    I'm a democrat. How about you? Too lazy too type more :) .
  18. S

    Do you support abortion?

    Hi TTers! Do you support abortion? Me? In most cases, I'd have to say, no. A fetus or embryo is a living being. Killing it simply because you don't want it is inhumane. You can't decide whether somebody else should live or die. But, if the pregnancy could severely damage your or the baby's...
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    We all are -_-