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  1. S

    Favorite pokemon type?

    ******'s Awesome he's really cool! Cressie's good too! ~Camelle
  2. S

    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Hey guys! The JP Pokemon Platinum release is only a week away! Amity square will be remodeled and expanded and Chimchar will be allowed in! Not so sure about turtwig, though. Stay tuned! When Platinum comes out in Japan, there will be more screenshots and info I can give you! ~Camelle
  3. S

    Teens in TamaTalk?

    Don't worry, I'm going to be 22 in a month! And, I've seen 24 year olds here. ~Camelle
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    V5: Parent Evolutions

    I have a question. Okay, so a long time ago I got the sumo family, but now it's 6 gen later and I let them drop to comepletly empty 2-3 and I'm worried they will become the petite family. If they do, can I bring them back with milk(NOTE: I have never had the petit family before, but I had the...
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    I named my Groudon Bowser and my Tyranitar *Rawr* xD. ~Camelle
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    There has been some speculation that Volkner will be replaced as 8th gym gym leader in Platinum, and he may reappear as an Elite Four member or possibly even as Champion. I think that if this is true he will replace Flint as 3rd E4 member, considering that you will battle him and Volkner with...
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    Camp Rock

    I don't like Camp rock or JB, I think I'm too old for it... not trying to bash them or anything. ~Camelle
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Coral and Jade are hack games, they aren't official. They are fakes. ~Camelle
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    Out of all pokemon, Alakazam. Very useful indeed, though low on defences. He's super smart, and blows machamp and gengar right outta the water! Out of the legends? Lugia! Lugia rocks, she can beat the Lati twins any day she wants to! (They say Lugia might be related to the Lati wins.) Brown...
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    Are you teeth....

    That'd be cool if they're clear, I'm not so sure of normal though o.o. ~Camelle
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    Addictions: Ipod DS in general Internet Wii Obsessions: Me Me Me Pokemon Diamond ACWW Me Myself I xDD ~Camelle
  12. S

    Are you teeth....

    Wow this is random ;) . Mine are white and pointy :huh: LOL. ~Camelle
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Just to let you know the glacida flower won't work at night or while shaymin is frozen ^_^ ! Hope that helps you, Camelle
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    I don't know if platinum will be compatible with PBR, sure hope it will be! Oh, and BTW according to the Bulbapedia article for Pokemon Platinum there will be a double battle with your rival (That's the blond boy that pick a name for) against Flint and Volkner. I don't know when in the game...
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    Favorite pokemon type?

    Water types can be quite useful, too. Marill is Adorable! ~Camelle
  16. S

    Favorite pokemon type?

    Oh, and this poll is not counting the normal type. Thats why I left it out. ~Camelle
  17. S

    Favorite pokemon type?

    Hi there. I wanted to ask a random pokemon question :P . Which is your favorite pokemon type? Personally I like Psychic types. Their speed is usually good and they typically have high Sp. Attack, so they make good special attackers. Fighting types often find their way onto teams, so a Psychic...
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Yep sky forme for Shaymin and Orgin forme for Giratina, like I think was stated earlier in this topic. ~Camelle
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    That's a logical prediction. Good observation there! ~Camelle
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    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    I hear that on a japanese leaflet, 5 new pokemon or pokemon formes silhouettes were seen and information and items about them will be given in September to November 2008. Many people are also thinking they will do a remake of Gold and Silver because they did a remake of Red and green for the...