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  1. S

    Oh NO!

    When I was in high school, almost every girl was preppy blondes obsessed with boy bands and pop. They all aspired to become cheerleaders. They all wore pink and the school colors to show off their 'spirit'. But I liked red and black, and I also wore a lot of blue. I'm also a brunette. I...
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    Heaven is where God lies. When you are in heaven, you are one with God. ~Camelle
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    I still have virgin lips :furawatchi: ! And I like it! ~Camelle
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    By doing this: jfksjhglidrhgkldfjuhgjemgfklhretiwjeklrfhrieut09ureiyt84e7590uio[wrfkeit7eildjg;lxdkfliesyhgidfjyklotduiyitgfjytlifjydkhjokdsfljtduirekdgloyhriouretyophoytotkjyjhkoyjity9ruoeuiyurejh 1337housejhidhdftgfujuhkjjgfkldrsygtfjh42hjbngjvhykdsfjgfutkjhf. ~Camelle
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    What state are you from?

    Pennsylvania. ~Camelle
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    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    To what you said before, I say amen. Bella and Edward are pretty much a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu. ~Camelle
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    Whatever. ~Camelle
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    Most Annoying Sound?

    What Roar The Tiger said. Need I say more? ~Camelle
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    BHANG! ~Camelle
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    TTFV V2!

    :) Good to see someone's brought TTFV back! I started the original back in Dec '05! :angry: Bob :angry: Agnes B) Gary :angry: Wish Bob is fighting with Gary over a pen while Agnes watches. Then Bob leaves to go talk to Wish. Agnes is nearby and can still hear what they are...
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    Let's spam! asjgfjiogjildsrtigdrkghjtrfjgkjtgfiuio ~Camelle
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    Bad Bob! ~Camelle
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    Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)

    I got it on Monday! Awesome it is! ~Camelle
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    Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)

    PA is short for Pennsylvania :mellow: . ~Camelle
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    Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)

    Does anyone know when it will be out in PA :( ? I checked at GameStop today and they said they didn't have it yet. ~ Camelle
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    What do you think of JB?

    This is a remake of another topic that got closed due to a flame war. This one's poll only, so they'll be no flaming. What do you think of JB. ~Camelle
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    If you could of change ur name...

    Iris or Kristen :) . ~Camelle
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    xD Artpad

    Stickman vs Triangle of doom! Some random thing I made on artpad. Post yours here! ~cAMELLE
  19. S

    First Dance

    Actually, when I used to go to school dances, I just ran around and poked random people and then ran away xP! Every one danced, except for me :) . It was such a guilty pleasure :) . You're romantically dancing with your crush when-- poke! That would be me xDDDD! ~Camelle
  20. S

    Funny Obama vs. Hilary video

    xDDD So funny! Hopefully Mr. Obama will win! ~Camelle