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  1. S

    Pokemon Platinum to released in Japan Fall 2008

    Guys! This just in! I have just recieved the NA platinum realsease date! Clicky! March 22, 2009 is when platinum is going to hit the stores in the US! ~Camelle
  2. S

    MySpace VS Facebook

    Neither. Tamatalk! ~Camelle
  3. S

    1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi

    1085. Give it to Ilovekuchipa555. ~Camelle
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    Favorite thing to do

    Wow that sounds fun xP . I can't believe they didn't slap you. ~Camelle
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    Team Edward VS. Team Jacob

    Jacob. He's the only Twilight character that does not suck. ~Camelle
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    What is your IQ?

    I don't know for sure, but I know I'm 130+ ;) . ~Camelle
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    Teens in TamaTalk?

    I'm beyond my teens o.o ...I'm 22. I was just a few days shy of 19 when I joined, though ;) . ~Camelle
  8. S

    Guily Pleasures ?

    Britney Spears. ~Camelle
  9. S

    Crushes/Relationship Discussion

    Just a suggestion, but shouldn't this be in SNTT? ~Camelle
  10. S

    Character crushes! xD

    A lotta of bishies from different animes...Camelle needs her bishies xD! ~Camelle
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    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    Tell me about it ^_^ . ~Camelle
  12. S

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    ^Amen. Twilight rants and parodies need more views. Need I say more in 1337? ~Camelle
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    Sailor Moon anyone?

    Hi, does anyone still watch Sailor moon? Like, on youtube? I found all these episodes on Youtube today. I watched the first 10 0_o. The last time I watched Sailor Moon was almost 10 years ago! I was bored and I typed in Sailor Moon. So, if you still like Salior Moon, post here! ~Camelle
  14. S

    how old are you?

    22 last birthday ;) . ~Camelle
  15. S

    Is this normal O_O

    Don't worry, I drink WAY more than nine glasses a day :( . ~Camelle
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    What grade r u in?

    I'm doing the first year of my post grad :) . ~Camelle
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    Do you like my poem?

    It was pretty good. I don't see how it's corny :P . ~Camelle
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    Which Manga Do YOU like?

    Bleach. It's very serious a lot of the time, but it has it's share of lighthearted moments. ~Camelle
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    Twlight VS Harry Potter

    Harry Potter FTW. HP is actually well written. Twilight is too much like a crappy fanfic written by a preppy thirteen year old fangirl. ~Camelle
  20. S

    I Just Realized How Little Of A Life I Have.

    I doodle on nearly everything xP! ~Camelle