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  1. M

    Teen Pregnancy

    Eww people are doing it at 13? lol thats gross. Teens need to be smart and actually learn "Go ahead and do it but chances are you might have a kid" ~Mamitchi465
  2. M

    How famous are you on forums?

    6/10 lol me too! ~Mamitchi465~
  3. M


    Geez! whats up with the toitets? ~Mamitchi465~
  4. M

    Is this...right?

    I agree it should be toned down just a little....but why should radio stations stop playing it? I mean other people in this world listen to Rap that actually like that type of music. Others may not. If you dont want your kid singing it then dont let them listen to it! The world cant just ban...
  5. M

    Teen Pregnancy

    Well in my opinon mmm......I dont really feel symothy for teenagers who are pregnant. I feel bad they have to go through it so young but I agree to the statement: There are more ways to have "fun" They are to young and they know theres always a possibility...ya know? I also feel bad for this...
  6. M


    Umm...I prefer not to kill myself? lol like i said i am a strong catholic. Anyways would God want you to kill yourself? I know its good that your trying to spread around your faith but not everyone is going to believe in God. ~Mamitchi465~
  7. M


    This topic is messed up....If you were her friend why stop now? I'm straight. But Its annoying when people say "OMG SHE WILL LIKE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!!!" Umm...first of all if your straight do you like every guy/girl that you see? no of course not! I say remain her friend and support her...
  8. M


    I love their big macs!! lol is life threating? Well if your smart and dont eat it everyday or every week your fine. Its okay to have a coke with some fires and a big mac SOMETIMES. Its not life threating unless you eat 24/7. otherwise i find it tasty :]]] ~Mamitchi465~
  9. M

    How famous are you on forums?

    10/10 i see you alot! ~Mamitchi465~
  10. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    its cute but kind of hard to read..8/10 ~Mamitchi465~
  11. M

    How famous are you on forums?

    0/10 me i dont know much of the members who joined in 2008 lol ~Mamitchi465
  12. M

    How famous are you on forums?

    I have never seen you before but your pretty new so thats probally why 0/10 ~Mamitchi465~
  13. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    is that really your princabal??? LOL does he know his face is on tamatalk? 10/10 ~Mamitchi465~
  14. M


    wow!! :huh:
  15. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    7/10 i love rainbow colors :]] but sadly i really dislike tamas now........ ~Mamitchi465~
  16. M

    Jr High

    woah...i started middle in 6th grade and i am still in 6th is 7th grade and i am very By the way even tho i am a year younger then you middle school is fun to me :] you feel more independant and you will meet TONS of new people from other schools you never even heard...
  17. M

    Yet another Miley breakdown!

    Umm...she is a whore? She is a 15 year old girl but i have to say she is quite an idiot taking those pictures >:[ Its kind of funny because we all think we really "know" celebrities because of how famous they are but we dont know them at all lol ~Mamitchi465
  18. M


    Yes i agree :] but i am a strong catholic and i do love god. I cant force someone to believe... because its their decision, its their lives, etc. When you do try to force someone into your religon just think "what if that person tried to force me into their releigon" It probally would be quite...
  19. M

    Yet another Miley breakdown!

    Agreed...:] But...celebrities lives are pretty hard to live but they got themselves into it ya know? ~Mamitchi465~
  20. M


    Life is like a test..........its your own free way and you could be whatever the heck you want to be. You can be catholic, christain, jewish, or athiest. You could be a good person or a bad person. You could be a murderer, stealer, saint, crimnal, doctor, or scientist. But if you make one...