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  1. TamaTamatchi

    New Years Hatch

    I guess I'll join with my iD L. :) - TamaTamatchi
  2. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi - which version should I buy?

    P's!!!! Way better than the iD L despite the characters, it's so much fun you'll regret not buying a P's over an iD L trust me! - TamaTamatchi
  3. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi IDL

    Simple, you need to raise 4 tamatomo adults to unlock each destination :) - 4 tamatomos - Heinshin Jo 8 tamatomos - Patchi Forrest etc...... - TamaTamatchi
  4. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    I just happen to find this photo in their photo albums. Heh. Trust me, they're going to release a tamagotchi. Tamagotchi has been popular for what, 16 years now?! You really think that they're going to make a clothing line and NOT release a tamagotchi? C'mon guys. Brah, you think I'm lying...
  5. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    Their Facebook page has 12k likes on it guys.....but I like Tamagotchi L.I.F.E for some reason. Who knows they're release an app and most likely a tamagotchi. Idk why like it, but it seems pretty cool. :) Also I took a quiz and I am.... Masktchi. How cute. ^^ - TamaTamatchi
  6. TamaTamatchi

    v3 marrying problem?

    V3 characters are both female and male. - TamaTamatchi
  7. TamaTamatchi

    V4.5 Weight

    Well this is my Young Violetchi. She evolved today, but I just noticed she weighs one pound!? Can anyone explain this weird glitch? Not even the baby can go down to one pound.... - TamaTamatchi
  8. TamaTamatchi

    Can't access Tamatown v5

    Hey friend! We already have a topic here - - TamaTamatchi
  9. TamaTamatchi

    **TamaTown PROBLEMS - DISCUSSION** (Now closed)

    Well I just went on tamagotchieurope.....and i could get onto tamatown(V6). No joke. I'll provide photos later. - TamaTamatchi
  10. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes - Season 2

    My lovely friend gave me this music star I've always wanted for Christmas. I love it so much and I guess I'll be running it along with my p's. Sorry for the big delay guys, I've been super busy! But now that I have time, we welcome you back. :) - TamaTamatchi
  11. TamaTamatchi

    Items on Music Star

    Well my friend got me a brand new music star in the design I wanted it....I love it so much. And I'm playing with it and I know the generator and tamatown is down and I was wonder whether there is a way to get items without wasting money or buy items but make a lot of money? Thanks. - TamaTamatchi
  12. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I might be getting a second P's guys. :) I wanna get blue, but I'm thinking yellow...... - TamaTamatchi
  13. TamaTamatchi

    Color Hatch

    Hmm I'm thinking we should make it around Christmas Break.....anymore ideas? :D - TamaTamatchi
  14. TamaTamatchi

    Guess the Object

    New York? - TamaTamatchi
  15. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes - Season 2

    Well I finally got my P's! It was the green one. I'm really happy. Anyways I got a girl and she's so cute! She evolved later into an even more cute character! I love this version so much. :) Well the first two places we took her was the park and the daycare center. Daddy needs to work. I...
  16. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Finally got my P's. ^_^ - TamaTamatchi
  17. TamaTamatchi

    Jason's Store ;-; Shipping

    Yes. Finally!!!!!! - TamaTamatchi
  18. TamaTamatchi

    Songs You Are Sick Of Hearing

    Gangnam Style.....I mean its a funny song an all, but they over played it EVERYWHERE. It's old and gone really annoying. Also the dance he does also kinda annoys me.....what does he get 929 million views?! -_- - TamaTamatchi
  19. TamaTamatchi

    Friend Problem....

    Wow. Thanks Brit. The cup of tea thing you just said made me smile. I just freak a lot whenever my friends do this, epically her, I don't know why though. Thanks so much. This made me feel WAY better. :) - TamaTamathci
  20. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes - Season 2

    Here we begin a brand new chapter of the TamaTamatchi series. :) Once again......I resented my Tamagotchi iD L! I was going to wait until my P's came, but its not coming! -_- So I have my iD L to keep me busy. :) (thanks to ichiro.malfoy for the idea!) I hatch a boy, Yurapatchi. I...