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  1. P

    Is anyone here popular?

    Unfortunatly- I'm the Queen Bee in everyones eyes, which bugs the crap out of me!! I hate it, I want to be normal Although in my mental state, I'm anything but normal
  2. P

    My shoes!

    Sweet! My sister has a pair like that , but they're red with white poka dots
  3. P


    No skateboarding isn't my "thing" Horse riding is
  4. P

    Where do you Shop?

    My shops American Eagle Sibblings Jacob Connexion Primark :) Winners
  5. P

    What r u?

    colour: Icy Blue Animal: Horse Hobbies: Horse Riding Weather: Sunny and cool - perfect for riding personality: Kind but don't cross me Horses run in my blood and sole
  6. P

    What are you listening to?

    Dixie Chicks- Top of the world The ONLY country I like I'm a ROCK girl
  7. P

    Blake Lewis

    I doubt It I have real premonitions and this doesn't sound like one
  8. P

    are you a boy or a girl?

    Girl!!!! *shock horror*
  9. P


    heres mine..yes it's me and yes I'm self centred Well I swop between two.. or
  10. P

    do you know what easter is about

    Yup I'm religious! I know that But thanks for telling the people who didn't know I got babtized when I was very little And Easter Just like evry otehr holiday ahs been targeted by Hallmark, to make money! They suck the sole out of every season with there crappy worthless gifts
  11. P

    pic of you

    LoL A cute one at it :( Me too I have at least 100 pics saved on my P.C
  12. P

    pic of you

    I don't agree with the Hot or not bit but I'll post (Lol well you can't really see me in this but oh well) (me, Scary RED eye....This happens because of teh colour of my...
  13. P

    NEW cena avatar!

    I love cena he's awesome...I was watching wrestling when the hardy boys wheretogether(My favourite tag team ever) but they split up Wrestling used to eb aweosme but then I stopped folloing it
  14. P

    How do you pronounce your username?

    pot (as in a plantpot) belly (speaks for itself) panda (animal)
  15. P

    How many times do you get sick a year?

    A lot....I have a very low amune low I was in the childrens hospital for a bit. so Infections come to me fast..and my body can't fight them off
  16. P

    do you like..

    I agree
  17. P


    LoL I'm ever going to get peace about my eyes.....Everyone wants them :D
  18. P


    OMG I've finally found someone else like me ^_^
  19. P


    LoL I've never been to Hawii...Looks like a cool place though
  20. P

    That paperclip guy is weird

    The paperclip guy is cool That's him Clippy Also known as the Paperclip or the Office Assistant, Clippy is the Microsoft paperclip animation included with Microsoft Office 95 to help users with different tasks. On April 11, 2001...