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  1. S

    Hello Everyone

    Hey! Welcome to TamaTalk. Ha, my tamas need new batteries. ^^; But have a good time here~
  2. S


    Hey~ I remember you. O: Welcome back!~
  3. S


    New friends. x33 ILY all my new friends. O:
  4. S


    ^Yesh, could we be friends? :3
  5. S


    Cool~ Good luck. O:
  6. S

    What's something you learned today?

    I learned that this guy may like me. O.O And that mango Snapple is yummy.
  7. S


    Awh. We should talk more~ X33
  8. S

    What subjects did you take?

    Well, this year I had Honors Science, SFL, Art 7, Technology, Home Ec, Intro to Italian, Gym, Orchestra, Honors English, Honors Math, Honors Social Studies, and lunch, of course. x3 We have a weird Day 1 Day 2 schedule, so yeah. SFL is Strategies for Learning. O: Next year I'll have the honors...
  9. S

    If you could have anything in the world...

    Happiness. And close friends. Lately, I felt like I haven't had those. So. I'd also love a cell phone with texting. :] Or to meet chu people in real life one day. Or a bigger house close to school. That way, my parents would be happy, with a bigger house, and I'd be happy, not having to...
  10. S

    Best Signature in Tamatalk!

    I'll join. ;]
  11. S

    Any Jr. Authors Here?

    I love writing. I really do. This summer, it's my goal to write a lot more. I'll finally have the time~
  12. S

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    I like the books a lot, but the fan girls kill it. The movie. Don't get me started. Ugh.
  13. S


    Nuu, you are the epical Weiwei. D: I need to update my list. O: I had a long one, but then my computer spazzed on me. X_x April, Becca, Bri, Beckah, Britt, David, Dalton, Emmy, Jenn, Kate, Kelsey, Ksenia, Krystal, Leafie, Loden, Michaela, Soha, Sam, Sarah, Tami, TRUCKEH, Weiwei, Zuzi, Zoe. And...
  14. S

    That Came Out Wrong.

    I have so many. I'll post 'em later. XD And I know TC has a bunch, too. O:
  15. S

    Theme songs.

    Time to Dance- Panic at the Disco, Anything but Ordinary- Avril Lavigne ... Me. I Don't Care- Fall Out Boy ... Me Dinosaurs Go Rawr- Amy Can Flyy ... Me G.I.N.A.S.F.S- ... Me and my crush, sorta. o.x About A Girl- The Academy Is... ... Me and my crush. I'm With You- Avril Lavigne ... Me and...
  16. S

    The Best && The Worst ~

    Best - May. Worst - Probably now. Edited cause I didn't want to say all that. xP
  17. S

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  18. S

    Confession time xD

    I suppose I have more, too. -I become upset with people often, but rarely tell them. -I don't think many people like me. :] -I get frustrated easily. -Some parts of the House of Night series frighten me. o.x -I spend much too much time on the computer. -I'm a good actress. -I'm afraid for...
  19. S

    What Did You Buy Recently?

    Pepsi and two SourPower candies.
  20. S

    What are you doing right now?

    Sipping Pepsi and being sad.