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  1. TamaTamatchi

    Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!

    @ Everyone thinking they're re releasing the iD Le, well I know now for a fact that they're not releasing that Tamagotchi and i'm for sure they're releasing something new. As you can see, I am on the official Bandai UK Facebook page. They already released the iD L there Bandai UK approved. So we...
  2. TamaTamatchi

    Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!

    Would it? Because I remember Harrods releasing the iD Le there.... - TamaTamatchi
  3. TamaTamatchi

    Generation Hatch

    No, you dont need to have TamaTomo adults to count a generation. It is only to get a TamaTomo and to unlock more things. Added. :) - TamaTamatchi
  4. TamaTamatchi

    Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!

    A member on Tama - Zone named SarahJane shared this email from Bandai UK: "Dear Sarah Thank you for your enquiry. We are launching a new Tamagotchi on Boxing Day this year alongside a brand new website. Follow our Facebook page for more details nearer the time Kind...
  5. TamaTamatchi

    Generation Hatch

    Added. :) - TamaTamatchi
  6. TamaTamatchi

    Generation Hatch

    @Bubbles11: Hey! Glad to see we are talking not just on email XD. Yeah sure, you can use your V4.5 of course! Your added to the list. ^___^ @Eternal Mametchi Fan: Lol, I don't mind if you use your Blue Tama - Go, its already on 68 generation so i'd be happy if you did! And your green Tama - Go...
  7. TamaTamatchi

    TamaP's Puzzle Piece Guide

    You can either marry off your tamagotchi, or keep it the same character it is. :) My thoughts if your trying to get TamaTomo Adults, go onto the next generation by marrying it. ^____^ - TamaTamatchi
  8. TamaTamatchi

    Halloween group hatch!

    May I join? :) I will decide what version i'll run. Also can I make a hatch button that is sort of Halloween themed? And a button too? ;) - TamaTamatchi
  9. TamaTamatchi

    Generation Hatch

    THE GENERATION HATCH Hello TamaTalkers! This is the sign up topic to join the generation hatch! Now, if you don't know what the Generation Hatch it, allow me to explain! :) This hatch is all about running as much generations as possible. So this mean, how can we see how far we get into...
  10. TamaTamatchi

    USB IrDA brands that work with Tamagotchis?

    eBay 6 Dollars 6 Dollars Amazon 19 Dollars 3 Dollars If you get confused on how to use it, I made a topic a year ago explaining on how to work the dongle. ( ). Hope this is helpful! ^____^ EDIT...
  11. TamaTamatchi

    TamaTamatchi's V - Pet Log

    Hi everyone! Its been almost a full year since I last updated this log. So I though its been awhile, and I have moderately enough time to update it frequently. But that doesn't mean i'll be everyday, but i'll try! But anyways, throughout the log that I've had before, I've thrown out tamagotchis...
  12. TamaTamatchi

    Fake V2

    Be aware! This Tamagotchi is boxed in a V1 box and says its a V2 but its all fake!: Watch out for is by JD. >____> - TamaTamatchi
  13. TamaTamatchi

    TamaTalk University: Chemistry Class

    lol Katy is dreaming about me? This story is cute. Keep up the good work. :) - TamaTamatchi
  14. TamaTamatchi

    ID L Secret character questions. (English)

    Yes you can buy a P's and connect it with your iD L to get the secret characters. I, myself has already done this. Also you can get the secret characters on the P's by connecting your iD L too! Tips, make sure you don't loose count. Because myself I always loose count and end up starting at 1...
  15. TamaTamatchi

    My Birthday Hatch!

    Happy Birthday, KuroSan! May I join? I'm not too sure what I would like to join with. But I will decide before the hatch. - TamaTamatchi
  16. TamaTamatchi

    V4.5s being sold as V4s on Ebay Be aware of this one. This is a real tamagotchi, but it is a V4.5, not a V4. - TamaTamatchi
  17. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes: Season 3: The Shocking Return

    Nothing up with Jesse today.....same strawberry we saw the other day. :) - TamaTamatchi
  18. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes: Season 3: The Shocking Return

    Episode Two: The Evolution Shh he's sleeping! Well Jesse evolved today as expected, a Ichigotchi! :) - TamaTamatchi
  19. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes: Season 3: The Shocking Return

    Episode One: Meet Jesse Meh, today Jesse evolved. He went from a babytchi_m to a Marutchi in just an hour. Here are his stats, his hunger and happiness is full, and im trying to keep his weight at a minimum of 10 pounds. Lets try to raise this guy to a Mametchi. ^o^ Please excuse us while...
  20. TamaTamatchi

    The TamaTamatchi Episodes: Season 3: The Shocking Return

    I've been on a long hiatus with these logs, but I am back with the 3rd Season! Currently Running: Tamagotchi Connection V1 *IM GOING TO SPLIT THIS TOPIC INTO TWO POSTS* - TamaTamatchi