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  1. TamaTamatchi


    Waiting on my Pink and Black Osutchi/Mesutchi, and my clear yellow P2. :) - TamaTamatchu
  2. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi P's: Aokumotchi got married?!

    Yeah, thats kind of what I figures. And yes, I did use Mr. Blinky's debug cheat. :) - TamaTamatchi
  3. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi P's: Aokumotchi got married?!

    I reloaded the previous data. - TamaTamatchi
  4. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi P's: Aokumotchi got married?!

    It was on debug mode but then I pushed the reset button and everything was back to normal. There wasnt a full Puzzle Piece anymore, expect the destination to the matchmaker was still allowed. But no I was not on debug mode (well not when it still allowed me, I was for about a couple of seconds...
  5. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi P's: Aokumotchi got married?!

    // Well there is the video....I am kinda confused by it actually. Well, I saw that the matchmaker option was available and I quickly got my Mokotchi married to see what would happen. When him and his bride kissed, he went upside down...
  6. TamaTamatchi

    HELP! How To Take Off Costume on V2?

    Hey :) All you need to do is put it to bed and it will return back to MaruMimitchi. ^__^ - TamaTamatchi
  7. TamaTamatchi

    TamaTamatchi's Log: Season 1

    (As you can see I have the Ichigotchi FacePlate, haha) So, I am finally on my second generation. I have a KuroMametchi, which I got really happy about. Once KuroMametchi turned 6 years old, I married him off to Memetchi. I just thought they were perfect together. I went on the Makiko Gotchi...
  8. TamaTamatchi

    TamaTamatchi's Log: Season 1

    Today, I just got some new figures because of Eternal Mametchi Fan, who bought them for me! I was so excited and now I have a like a million figures and I am so happy to be playing with them! The figures have so so so much gameplay, so I want to run it again for a few generations. Last...
  9. TamaTamatchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

    474. - TamaTamatchi
  10. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi Friends Coffretchi evolution with good and bad care?!

    Hey Little O! It seems like everyone who is getting their Tamagotchi Friends are getting Coffretchi as their 1st adult character, so this doesnt seem like a surprise to us. :) I think the Tamagotchi Friends evolution is similar to the Tamago. It is completely random. It has been 4 years since...
  11. TamaTamatchi

    Most Overrated Tamagotchi?

    I don't really think the Tamagotchi Friends is that overrated. Sure it has bad reviews, but so has other version. All version have their flaws, and so does the Tamagotchi Friends. I can get the reason why everyone is like "Tamagotchi Friends isn't good! Worst version ever!" but that's how...
  12. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi Friends

    Listen, the whole point of this topic is because you want to convince everyone that Tamagotchi Friends is the best thing in the world. You cannot just force your opinion upon us and expect us to listen to you. Its like turning a gay man into a heterosexual by forcing upon your opinion on what...
  13. TamaTamatchi

    Bandai UK New Tamagotchi Release!

    Listen; everyone has their own opinions on this Tamagotchi. We have to remember, TamaTalk is a nice friendly forum where everyone share our interest and thats loving Tamagotchis. Just because we are getting some bad reviews doesnt mean the Tamagotchi is total waste of money. You cant say whether...
  14. TamaTamatchi

    Angel Back Won't Open

    I just got my angel, and I am trying to open the back of it. The screws arent stripped or anything, but they wont budge out. I'm scared they will stick there forever. My question is, how can I budge them open? I have tried everything, but maybe I am not using the correct screws. Thanks in...
  15. TamaTamatchi

    TamaTamatchi's Log: Season 1

    Well with my perfect care, I received a cute Kiraratchi! Its funny because in English, his name is spelled Kilalatchi. After I finished posting, he did his pee pee dance once again and I caught him and I filled up his training points. Was quite proud of myself. =) Well to my surprise, I didnt...
  16. TamaTamatchi

    IrDA for ID L- Which device is the most simple?

    Well in my opinion, I have the same little dongle I gave you the link to. It works like a charm! But if your gonna use a phone with built in infrared, it may seem confusing and it will cost you some money. But with this, it is very cheap and work perfectly on my Tamagotchis. Hope you enjoy! :)...
  17. TamaTamatchi

    Tamagotchi Friends Growth chart

    Guys we cant really state this character is 'good care' or 'bad care'. Define for each care what they mean. - TamaTamatchi
  18. TamaTamatchi

    IrDA for ID L- Which device is the most simple?

    Kitt, I found a iRDA for only 5.99 + shipping :) . - TamaTamatchi
  19. TamaTamatchi

    TamaTamatchi's Log: Season 1

    Haha, I can't believe its been over a year since I started a log over here. I am running a log over at Tama - Zone (the S + K Log) but it is a double log with my girlfriend. :) I thought maybe I would run my log here alone, because I miss the old memories of running my iD L and my V4.5. I...
  20. TamaTamatchi

    Christmas Hatch (Hosted By Kajah995)

    Not much up with my Makiko. She still with me, but I think tomorrow she is gonna recieve her Mo in TaMaToMo tomorrow. Its been 72 hours. Hmmm, I wonder which character I am going to get next. If I get a boy, I will get KuroMametchi. If I get a girl, I will get Chamametchi. :) - TamaTamatchi