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  1. P

    Do you match your avatar and signature?

    Mines all about horses - guess you could count that
  2. P

    Do you get music or books illegaly?

    Limewire does get a LOT of virus's through
  3. P

    Do you believe in aliens or UFO's?

    I think It's ignorant to believe that there is nothing out there.. Why should we be the only ones who are advanced. It doesn't make sence - THere not here but billions of years away anyway I also am a very spiritual person so I believe in all this stuff
  4. P

    miley is at wall mart

    I personally don't see the point in lining up to get a person's signature - That's all she is, a person you might as well just ask me for my autograph - I have tellent
  5. P

    i love Fergalicious

    hmmm I'm not convinced she can spell, she spells tasty wrong and the name of her album.....Personally I hate her, she's a sleezy terrible role model but whatever
  6. P

    Chris Benoit

    I saw the headline on the news and thought it was him - I loved him What is this world coming to
  7. P


    Scout - Horse is in my signature
  8. P

    How do you handle death?

    How do I handle death.....I run I see death all the time - my depressing tradagy....I run and I hide until the skys clear :huh: :) sigh
  9. P

    Please please please reply

    I'm in my signature Along with the horses and Amanda
  10. P


    It happened to me once - I just ran the virus scan and everything was ok
  11. P

    Share your dreams!

    My dreams are psychic- not like I expect you to believe me So I see the fututre or people communicate with me in them
  12. P

    Ooo! Look at my picture!

    me's in my siggie with scout
  13. P


    You are ten!!!!! You do not need to go on a diet- unless your doctor has told you to do so!!!!!
  14. P

    msn problem

    Just block her back Maybe she misjudged the situation
  15. P

    Tamatalk friends.

    Meh, I keep to myself
  16. P


    I'm sure you could find room :)
  17. P

    Ouch my bum

    Nice SK Sounds like my mother :)
  18. P

    Do you like school/college?

    hate is a strong word. It's harder than public but then at least you will be higher educated than everyone else....Without school unfortunatly we couldn't function I can't wait to go to Uni
  19. P

    DARE Concert or Baseball Game?

    Just follow your heart! We can't choose for you It's what YOU want to do
  20. P

    What Genre Is your Life?

    a twisted depressing tale