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  1. P


    Diet does have a toll on your skin though! your skin reacts to what you put in your body.
  2. P


    If it gets really bad. Visit your doctor! I did and I'm glad!
  3. P

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    Indeed I do
  4. P

    Miley cyrus.... like her or not?

    I can't stand her
  5. P

    Have you met...

    I've met a couple of famous riders and my coach and family friend was going to the olympics but her horse died just before
  6. P

    Online Ouija Board

    I'm not even touching that Link the real think...PLEASE don't try it I'm begging you. It's not like a game where you can turn it off and be done with it. there's no way to really make it stop
  7. P

    Post your background! mine
  8. P

    Hey,Has anyone else seen this?

    the world of advertizing
  9. P

    How do you make your avvies?

    I use GIMP
  10. P

    My manips!

    Thank you and thanks for the complement about my horses
  11. P

    My manips!

    so heres some of teh manips I've been making..If you want one then reply with some pictures Some were made for friends others for me My current one I use on forums - picture? - My bonnie boo my pretty girl :furawatchi: FRIENDS...
  12. P

    What Are Your Nationalities?

    Born In England - moved to canada - Dad's irish
  13. P

    What time...

  14. P


    Took me unril half way down teh page to figure out what you're talking about ;) I personally don't liek it - with a passion
  15. P

    Warning About Motorola

    You sure it wasn't just a defected one
  16. P


    compared to everywhere else I find the UK train system very good
  17. P


    I believe the friend - I see you don't have the state of mind as me and her Psychic's are real - I'd know I'm one of them
  18. P


  19. P

    This goes to all Hannah Montana Fans

    "but don't just say you hate it (LOL)" Why/.../....That's how I feel
  20. P


    don't like Myspace...I prefure Facebook