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  1. P

    Horse Riding

    Anyone else horse ride? I have one pony, Bonnie. Then I ride My Coach's horse Jack. For thsoe of you who actually ride. yes I know my position is a little icky in soem places Bonnie
  2. P

    What stereotype would you be?

    I don't really fit into anything Skater -- NO! I'm incredibly clutzy. I can't walk straight, nevermind skate. Emo -- No, I don't gte the whole Emotional thing. I have nothing against people like that. But It's not me. Punk -- I don't have the edge Goth -- Hardly ever wear just black Preppy...
  3. P


    1) I used to. It used to be quite bad a few years ago. But thankfully Its all cleared up now. So don't be discouraged. it WILL go away 2) medication my doctor perscribed 3) ooh 11 I think...ish? But It wasn't apparent until I was about 12 Me now...
  4. P

    .-Celebrity Look-a-like-.

    Not that I know of...Can any of you see anything? Straight hair Curly and
  5. P


    umm.. Secret I think. Then again, I'm normaly deranged when I put it on. All I know is that it's blue
  6. P

    Who is vegetarian Here?

    I am. But to be honnest, I was never a big meat eater before. So to be honnest. My diet hasn't been affected much. If anything It's improved. I am anemic. So this provide a bit fo a barrier for me. I knew before I went into it that I'd have to amke up for the missed iron, protien and B12. But...
  7. P

    Your favorite site Probably the best website EVER
  8. P

    Exclamation marks vs Question Marks

    The answer to the question is yes
  9. P

    The Outsiders by S.E Hinton

    I read it for English Class, Three years ago now. It wasn't bad. I can't rememebr much of the plot to be honnest.
  10. P

    Abortion: Your view on it

    hmm. I'm borderline on this situation. If abortion was to become illegal then it wouldn't just be the mother who'd have to suffer. Think about it. If your average 16 year old went out and got pregnant then couldn't have an abortion and was stuck with the child. First off the mother's life would...
  11. P

    Have you ever gotten hit on on the Internet?

    Eric the safety squirrel told me not to do that
  12. P

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    yes, I died before. For 7 whole minutes. Then I remembered I needed to water my flowers so I came back to life
  13. P

    How often do you wash your hair?

    Yes, I have blue dreadlocks
  14. P

    My picture of flower

    Yes, she was allergic and she stepped on it :chohimetchi: I miss her so much. **cries**
  15. P

    cute things

    I also think printers and glue sticks and globes and spikey plamts are cute
  16. P

    Funny Moments at School

    Losers. Who does this at school
  17. P

    Funny Moments at School

    My hair looks like a pineapple and I went to school and people laughed.
  18. P


  19. P


    I hate photography it sucks